Yes ami thousands spent on these, and owners are very afraid they are going the way of the dodo bird. Like a someone else you guys have over there.,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg
Funny you mentioned PS Audio BHK signature preamp. Paul McGowan was in the staunch anti active preamp brigade, and all for going direct.
That was right up until he released info that he was bringing out the, PS Audio BHK signature preamp, don’t suppose sales and the mighty $$$$ had anything to do with his massive turnaround????
Cheers George,1000x1000,075,f.u1.jpg
Funny you mentioned PS Audio BHK signature preamp. Paul McGowan was in the staunch anti active preamp brigade, and all for going direct.
That was right up until he released info that he was bringing out the, PS Audio BHK signature preamp, don’t suppose sales and the mighty $$$$ had anything to do with his massive turnaround????
Cheers George