Bi-amp through receiver vs pre out to 2 channel for fronts

Right now I am no amping my monitor audio gold 100 front speakers using a pioneer elite receiver.

The manufacturer recommends bi amping. If I buy a parasound 2 channel amp for the fRonda and don’t bi amp, is that going to sound better?
Guys, I assure you I am not a troll. I literally wrote a week ago and have only had time to go to one place and they hardly had anything as they concentrated on Marantz and McIntosh. I have two kids and a dog in training, work 10 hour days in a different state an hour drive each way. I am willing to audition but I just need more time. I literally knew nothing a week ago and you guys are teaching me a lot and I appreciate it. 

I was getting overwhelmed with all of the recommendations and thought I owed an answer. 

I don’t have a huge budget right now, and the Atoll integrated is only $1000 brand new. Anything is going to be better than what I have. I may chase my tail over time but I’m ok with that. 

I saw some people happy and using Atoll and the description of detailed smooth is exactly what I am looking for.  One thing I don’t understand is the DAC. The IN100SE must have a DAC in it right? It doesn’t mention one but it wouldn’t play without it right? 

Caphill thank you you so much for the processor information!
Also, If I have a receiver to an integrated, can I connect my powered sub to both of them since my sub has 2 rca input lines? 

This way I’m assuming I can have a sub playing with the integrated amp for just music. I don’t know if this will work though because an integrated doesn’t have crossover programming right? 
You can connect the integrated amp pre-out to the subwoofer line in , use the subwoofer's internal low pass filter set to 80Hz to begin with, on the HT receiver setup menu you need to select front R/L speakers to "Large" and No subwoofer.
on the HT receiver setup menu you need to select front R/L speakers to "Large" and No subwoofer.
On this setup the HT receiver will send the LFE signal to front speakers.The downside of this setup is those small front speakers will operate at full range (Not high passed)!
Right, I thought of this but I don’t want the fronts to be full range. 

For some reason, the Monitor Audio Gold 100s don’t seem to be performing as well as my silver in the mid range coming from the bookshelf woofer. Not sure if it’s because monitor got rid of that silver cone in the middle or not. 

Anyway, I think I have my way forward. I’ll start with a 5 channel Atoll Amp from my receiver. Then, in the future I can either buy a preamp with bass management and ht passthrough to connect between the receiver and amp, or buy an AV processor and call it a day. I’m sure either will be good enough for me, better than just using my receiver.