Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money

I currently have a system which consists of Vandersteen 5A's, THor Audio TP-150 tubed monoblocks, Thor Line Stage and Thor phono stage, Marantz SACD player SA-114 and will take delivery of the VPI Prime Scout with a Sumiko EVOS 3 Cartridge. I am currently using LAT International Speaker Cables, Power Cords and Interconnects. (They are no longer in business). I am in immediate  need of turntable cables and would like to update my new speaker cables and interconnects. Not willing to spend thousands on this upgrade. Seeking to capture as much of the "magic" that the super expensive cables deliver but at a more realistic price point. I understand that I have really good quality equipment, but at this stage of my life cannot allocate mega dollars towards cables.
 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You must not have seen my earlier post. What Einstein said was,

“It’s a miracle that the Universe is comprehendable.” Which obviously contradicts your Einstein quote.

He must have been high when he said what you say he said. Or else he was misquoted, Who the hell knows.

In any case the universe is well understood, even the Higgs boson and gravity waves were found recently - OK, there are a few mysteries remaining - by almost any who actually looks into the subject. The Big Bang, the age of the Universe, the age of Earth, dark matter, gravity, gravity waves, black holes whatever. It’s all in public domain now; you can lead a hoss to water but you can’t make him drink. Revel in your time.

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Aolmrd, Wikiquotes lists that Einstein quote as DISPUTED since it only has one unsourced reference. Look to the bottom of the wikiquote page on Einstein in the yellow disputed section. 
Bingo! It’s obviously not (rpt not) something Einstein would ever say, as I said before. Richard Feynman, on the other hand, is quoted as saying something pretty close,

”If I could explain it to the average person they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.”
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