How do autotransformers affect sound?

Just wondering, I've noticed many of the McIntosh amps have autotransformers.
1) Why have an autotransformer on a solid state amp? Is it because it gets around designing for different current draws from different speaker impedances?
2) For tubes amps it makes sense I guess. The Mcintosh tube amps can be paired to various different speakers even those with impedeances of 2 ohms (or anything between 1 and 16 ohms as McIntosh touts). Is the only reason many other tube amp designers don't do this because the autotramsformer is another component in the signal path? What is the trade off? I mean why not hook up a very nice tube amp through an autotransformer such as the Speltz one and use your favorite pair of low-impedance low efficiency speakers? Why rule all those out if there's a simple solution as an autotransformer.

As an example I'm wonder if I could hook up an MC2275 (100 watt tube amp) to my Aerial 7Bs (drops to 4 ohms in the bass region) and get good performance.

One thing I noticed in auditioning the Mcintosh integrateds the 6900 had smoother highs than the 6500 which I've heard was due to the autotransformer (hand-wound!).

I'm think about picking up an MC2275 or an MC252/402. I want to try tubes but don't want to change speakers right now.

regards, David
Kirkus - The way I know "interleaving" is by interleaving different phases at symmetrical angles - like 90, 180, etc. This gives a ripple cancellation to lower the noise floor. Works great in Class D applications where the ripple is way larger than rectifier ripple in a linear amp. This interleaving is done in a transformer and wouldn't work in an autotransformer because there is only one signal path, so pefect phase comes automatically, up to the point of core saturation. So bifilar windings and interleaved phases are different mechanisms.

Incidentally, bifilar-wound autotransformers are only really applicable to solid-state output stages because the step-down impedance ratio is low - on the order of 4:1 for push-pull BJTs. In tube amps, the ratio from the plate circuit is on the order of 500 to 1 so in this case a transformer is much more feasible.

McIntosh were the first to use paralleled primaries wound together in a push-pull tube amp output transformer to achieve a big reduction of crossover distortion, turns ratio, shunt capacitance, AND leakage inductance! It's an extremely clever and elegant concept. They patented it sometime in the 1940s and called it the "unity-coupled" circuit. They then adapted this idea for use with push-pull transistor amps by running the transformer single-ended (though still paralleling winding sections) and having the return path be at ground potential, which allows the use of a nonisolated autotransformer.

Shadorne - Excellent question indeed. From a technical standpoint, the use of air coils for the inductance of crossover networks is because they have extremely high linearity to preserve phase information to a high degree (audiophile ears are very sensitive to this). So they are high bandwidth components but their drawback is that their impedance gets out of hand for large inductance values because many windings are necessary to obtain a given value (because there is no core). Crossovers are one example that satisfies the criteria of desirable low-inductance values and need for high linearity.

You can look at adding a ferrite core a way of "cheating" nature into giving you more inductance. The price you pay is in bandwidth - so you must choose the frequency range desired by carefully choosing the right ferrite material (and there are many types). The high inductance values you get are needed for compact inductors and transformers.

Now this latter one is not to be confused with the "leakage inductance" in a transformer which is what's responsible for the effective impedance the signal sees - and not transformer action. This leakage value represents the power loss of the transformer and so must be as low as possible.

But in the end, Kirkus is right that it boils down to a cost/linearity relationship because ferrites that can handle very high frequencies are quite expensive for anything more than 10s of microHenries, and inductor size isn't a design issue inside a speaker cabinet. Not to mention that the improved bandwidth of an air core is probably audible in some fashion.

Arthur, FWIW the ZERO ( has a very low turns ratio as it steps from 16 ohms down to 4,3 and 2 ohms. Its a nice problem solver when trying to get a tube amp like a small OTL to drive low impedance speakers. Its also very helpful with SETs, provided the speaker is otherwise fairly efficient.
Autoformer vs Speaker Impedance Curve.
( MC601 w/ B&W 802D3)

Dead thread wake up alert!!!

Okay. My understanding is that the output transformers in tube amps contributes to the difficulty they have driving speakers that have wild swings in impedance curves and phase (802D3).  Power/voltage paradigm stuff. 

Seems the same might apply to autoformers paired with 802D3s?  

Looking for a technical analysis  

When amp shopping I called the factory and one of their larger dealers and was told they did not get along well with Magnepan speakers and not to consider anything under 500 watts.
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