Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
For those of you who have the Omega E Mats ... put one under your power conditioner. I did just that last night. Initially, it degraded the sound ... there was less there there. Upon listening this morning, everything was back and then some. Wow! 


FYI, my fridge IS maintaining a colder temperature. The fresh vegetables froze two weeks in a row. I did not put the Mat and freezing together initially but I thought I remembered an earlier post and you were right. I will raise the temperature, like you suggested.


Frank, Tim,

Back to audio. I am thinking of placing the new “Smaller” pads, when released, on my 2 power strips and 2 power conditioners on each system. My question is, do you think I should do them all at once or in any particular order? 


rc ... I'd do mine all at once. That way they can break in together, plus you'll get the maximum effect all at once in the SQ department. That would be fun. 

I placed my one E-Mat to the upper half of my 200 amp service.  Is there any significant benefit to putting an E-Mat to the lower half of the service where the breakers are located?