Which of my cables would you upgrade or change and why?

Hey guys -

Looking for some cable advice.

I somewhat randomly assembled my system, as far as cables go, and am now wondering if I should make any cable changes to get the most out of my system. While I have no doubt that I have very capable components and cables, I am wondering if there are cables that are better matches for the components. The components are going to stay the same for now, for better or for worse.

Note that I think my system sounds great - I have no complaints - just thinking that there may be some cabling tweaks that will allow me to get even more out of my system.

Here are the particulars of my HiFi system - I have 2 pairs of speakers. I mostly listen to Tidal HiRes music off the Lumin D2 and with just the Focal Kantas, but I will occasionally use the CM10 S2s as well when I am hosting people since I get more oomph overall that way with no noticeable degradation or change in SQ.

System details:

Lumin D2 connected to my FIOS router via an Audioquest Forest Cat 7 ethernet cable.

The Lumin D2 is connected to an Anthem AVM 60 using a pair of Nordost Frey RCA analog cables.

I use the Anthem as a pre-amp and hub since my HiFi system is part of a larger 11.2 HT system.

Nordost Blue Heaven BNC to RCA digital audio SPDIF cable connecting Lumin D2 to Anthem AVM 60 processor (I use the Lumin’s DAC most of the time - I will occasionally use the Anthem’s DAC for certain non MQA titles).

I use Cardas Clear Cygnus XLR cables from the Anthem AVM 60 to a McIntosh MC452 amp. And Kimber Kable 8TC speaker cables from the MC452 to Focal Kanta No. 2s.

I have Audioquest Mackenzie XLR cables from the Anthem AVM 60 to a Bryston 4B3 amp.
And Audioquest Rocket 44 speaker cables from the Bryston 4B3 to B&W CM10 S2s.

So that’s it as far as my current cables - do you think I can get noticeably better performance from my system when streaming Tidal by changing any of the cables?

Thanks in advance.

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+1 Lizzy.  If 2-channel is important the first thing I'd do is find a good stereo preamp and patch that into your system.  I think that could make a larger improvement on an absolute level than swapping individual cables.  Connect the front L/R pre outs from the Anthem to the HT Bypass (or any other unused line-level input) on the stereo pre and run interconnects from the stereo pre to your stereo amp and you're done.  Best of luck in whatever you decide. 
Having 2 systems is much difficult to maintain/upgrade. But have you at least tried cables from 1 system in the other, to see if you’ve got the better match going, or to help hone in on a favorite brand/model?

I see you’ve got AQ cabling in the 2nd system. I’ve done a lot of AQ upgrades over time. Their line scales very nicely; huge price cliff when you get to the silver cables, though. I recently upgraded my girlfriend’s system from Rocket 44 to Rocket 88 (latest version, not the older braid) and thought it was a very nice improvement, worth the cash. I’d also guess the jump from Mackenzie to a Water would be a nice move - judging by my upgrades though analogous models of their prior IC line. AQ improves their cables over time, and a current Water (2nd from top copper) will compete on par with the Cheetah (PSS silver; was positioned 1 level above their top copper at the time) from two lines prior. Mackenzie would be analogous to the Diamondback model from back then. Not to mention the build quality of the old line pales compared to the new stuff.
Elizabeth, Soix, Mulveling - thank you all for your well-rounded advice covering so many fronts. I am a complete beginner with this stuff and still don’t know many of the basics, but there’s so much collective wisdom on this site thanks to folks like you that the learning process is a lot easier. So thank you.

@Soix - I think my next purchase will be something like an MC 52 or C2600, and I will do what you recommended when that happens - I have been thinking of a separate pre-amp since I want to expand to vinyl next. And at this early stage of my audio journey, I am looking to first get an asbolute/across the board kind of improvement. Makes sense to start there and to then maybe start tinkering with cables to emphasize/de-emphasize areas of focus if possible. Thank you!

@Elizabeth - point taken about the different sonic qualities associated with different cables and the inherent trade-offs. Great advice - I will definitely think about this as I evaluate my current cables/components and begin adjusting the mix as I invariably will, probably sooner rather than later. In fact, after posting this thread, I came across a deal here for a Cardas Golden Presence IC and went for it. I will be using that to connect my Lumin D2 to the Anthem AVM 60 for now, in lieu of the Nordost Frey. Or rather, as you suggested, I’ll evaluate both across the different dimensions you pointed out and see which I prefer. Thanks!

@Mulveling - great advice about the hierarchical nature of sonic upgrades with cable lines - I will keep that in mind as well as I experiment with cables from different brands. Thanks!

Thanks again all for the opinions and advice - thanks to you I will be careening towards monetary impoverishment faster rather than slower!