IMO, in a domestic living environment, there is absolutely no way to predict the sonic effects of coupling, decoupling, spikes, gliders...
I have had many different speakers in my home and needed to work with each one to find the most pleasing sonic result. Some standmounts, like my Operas, liked to be Blu-tak'd to the stands, while my Harbeths preferred a hard non-anchored mounting. In the end, you just have to listen and decide what works in your room. People never seem to like that answer for some reason
I have had many different speakers in my home and needed to work with each one to find the most pleasing sonic result. Some standmounts, like my Operas, liked to be Blu-tak'd to the stands, while my Harbeths preferred a hard non-anchored mounting. In the end, you just have to listen and decide what works in your room. People never seem to like that answer for some reason