Tekton Double Impacts vs the competition....

So I recently have been on a pursuit of better speakers ...I know its all relative to each individual listener . I am a professional musician and am seeking some powerful depth and clarity for my cavernous living room which will be addressed and treated. 30x11x10 pitched ceiling. 

I am polling the Tekton Double Impact owners they're opinions on living with these seemingly beast like cool speakers....after auditioning Harbeth and various others, I remain in a state of inquisitive, insatiable limbo and am ready to forge into some new sound arena....many of these high end speakers just aren't available to demo . What can handle high volume and still hold the presence and clarity / bottom? 

my tastes : Prince, all 70's jazz fusion such as Billy Cobham, Return to Forever, Lee Ritenour, Led Zeppelin, Kiss , Miles, Coltrane, Steely Dan , Toto, Jellyfish, Plini, David Maxim Micic , overall its melodic rock / jazz that needs to be sometimes cranked to very high levels especially on "bro night" 

Marantz PM-11S1
Sony STR V7
SVS SB1000 Sub

Thank you all ! 
If anyone in California has the DI’s or DI SE’s and be willing to do a quick demo , I'd be grateful...please let me know, thanks !
I’ve already asked in the main Tekton DI thread, and there doesn’t seem to be anyone in SoCal with them. I know one guy in NorCal who has some though.

So I came across a deal on some Tekton DI SE’s. Pulled the trigger....have to arrange shipping . I have officially climbed aboard the crazy train 🚂 I’ll review them when they show . Thank you all for the direction and opinions ! 
I know its silly , but I didn’t know anything about Tekton when I started this hunt for "higher end speakers" . I started heading down the familiar paths , Klipsch etc... a sound engineer friend who I trust implicitly told me Harbeth speakers are the best speaker he’s ever heard hands down, so I demo’d the SHL5+ and honestly they sounded great but didn’t hear $7K.
I always am a little leary of brands I’ve never heard of ...Tekton had a tremendous amount of positive feedback and a few naysayers..we’ll see!