Atma Sphere deserves praise

In the last 6 months Atma Sphere released a revision to their MK III designation to MK III.1. It amounted to a small part change and I think the resulting cost was less than $500. In my system, and in other's judging by recent posts, it was a very worthwhile improvement. Not only was an upgrade path available, but the cost was very reasonable.

Do you think other manufacturers that release "new" product updates every 12-18 months, or worse new products because there is no upgrade path are simply offering design breakthroughs? Or is this just running a successful business?

I think they hurt their current customers by devaluing their "old" equipment on the used market, and causing them to scurry like ants for the latest new stuff.
@gdnrbob i have them in mind for a pair of ancient Quad ESL i will be rebuilding.....part of my learning journey

but if i ever replace my ARC preamp in my reference system I will be sure to give Ralph a shot 
 looks like the dealer link on the website is not working...FYI Ralph
Thanks- got it sorted!
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