Aurender N10

I'm considering purchasing a music server.  One of my requirements is that in addition to be easy to use and (preferably) have internal storage, that it sound as least as good as my current transports, PS Audio DMP.  Does the N10 do that?  Is it as good as a very good transport (into PS Audio DSD).
I want the convenience that a server provides but not willing to compromise on sound quality.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks all.  Dumb question involving Bridge II.  I apologize, I have a lot of PC experience but have never done this before.  Please tell me if I have
this right.
1) Bridge II installs in expansion port of PS Audio DSD.
2) Purchase NAS.  Copy music library to it.  NAS plugs into router (or does it need to plug into a PC?)
3) Using Roon app, send music from NAS server (that can be discovered through the app no matter where I am in the house) to Bridge II.
Is this correct?  Can I use the Roon app on an IPAD or should I buy a laptop for that?  It looks like I can get a good 1TB SSD drive for about $700.  Bridge is $900 so we're looking at $1600 before cables.  I'd love to know how the Bridge II compares to the Aurender?  Someone who has a Bridge II that bought a Lumin U-1 (expecting it to be better) said the Bridge was the Lumin's equal and is now selling the Lumin.
Thanks again.


Aurender N10

I’m considering purchasing a music server.

Do you homework.
I don’t know if the A10 and N10 are similar circuits in this regard if both do MQA, but it was quite disconcerting that they did this.

JA Stereophile "However, the A10’s misapplication of the MQA reconstruction filter to non-MQA files stored on its internal drive means we must withhold a full recommendation for the A10 until this problem has been corrected."

This to me smells, to hobble anything that’s non MQA.

Good on ya JA for not withholding it.

Cheers George

I know what Metronome is but haven’t read much about it. It looks promising, but I’d have to find one in the used market because I’d never pay $12k for a server. That’s my fear with servers in general, tech is changing so rapidly. I’m dating myself, but I was an audiophile when the first CD players were introduced in the early '80s. Technology changed so quickly, especially in the early 90’s that any CD player you bought would be bested by something else 2 years later and within 4 years it was worth 25% of what you paid for it.
As you can see from above, the selection of a music server is not an easy decision or process. It seems, everyone has a different server recommendation.  I suggest you make a list of the important features your music server needs and your questions.  For example, please review:

1) What is your maximum price range? 
2) What features does your server need?   For example, I wanted my CD albums stored in the same box, wanted Tidal, Qobuz Streaming Services and also Internet radio stations. And, the ability to add more additional streaming services when they become available. 
3) Do you want a DAC built into the streamer or a separate DAC?   For maximum flexibility, I decided on an external DAC. 
4) What digital outputs do you need?  I decided on a Music streamer with both USB and AES/EBU digital outputs to my DAC.  In most cases, I prefer the AEB/EBU connection. 
5)  Is a Roon interface important to you?  If needed, you need a Roon enabled server. I decided that Roon was not required.  In my case, the Aurender Conductor App has what I need. However, several of my friends purchased a Roon enabled server. 
6)  Your server needs a controlling App that runs on an iPad or something similar.  You need to review the App to ensure it supports your needs to easily manage your music selections. 
7) Sound quality is very important.  In my case, I asked many questions, talked to many people, read many reviews and auditioned various servers to help me make the right decision. 

I hope the above helps you make a decision.