Monitor Audio Pl 300ii vs. KEF Reference 5

I own the KEF Reference 5s.  I borrowed the Monitor Audio Pl300 ii speakers for comparison, which is still under way.  Thoughts so far:  Both are good speakers.  The KEFs provide a lot of detail.  Listening to classical music, you can hear orchestral instruments and sections pretty clearly.  Background and counter melodies can be identified. Piano music is very realistic.  The MAs do not provide as much instrumental detail but they do have a more mellow, deeper, broader sound.  Which is better is really a matter of personal choice.  As I said, I’m still listening so these are some quick preliminary reactions.  More later.  
The PL-300 II is in a Tru-Fi world where it reveals all the details and different properties of sound a superior loudspeaker to the Kef Reference. a trial and error system there are different rules and a totally different outcome.

You only will have an idea what the PL-300 II is capable of when you created an audiosystem what can reveal all the different properties of sound. And that the system is fully adapted regarding the acoustics, smog, magnetism and high frequent noise.

The truth is that the PL-300 II is demoed in a trial and error system. This will never give you an idea what the PL-300 II can offer in a Tru-Fi world. What you all hear is your truth. And this is what you all believe in.

But your truth is being formed by the systems you auditioned. This makes you think what the quality is of the product. Let me say this. When you listen to the same loudspeakers in a Tru-Fi world the truth has become totally different.

It is not even comparable with any limited trial and error system. You enter a new world you even don’t even know it exist. Because your truth is the trial and error world. This is a world without understanding the properties of sound and all the different parts who negativly influences both sound and stage.

Sound is being formed by different properties. When an audiosystem can reveal all the different properties of sound it will create a more intense and emotional feeling than when you use an audiosystem that lacks different properties.

A client of mine owns the B&W804D3. I explained him that it can only build one meter in stage depth. He uses Accuphase what in all tests we did also showed that it can build about 1 meter of stage depth. This is what we call a hifi stereo parameter. The Platinum loudspeakers are able to create 5-7 meters of stage depth.

This is what you want and need in any highend system. When you are not able to create a huge deep and wide stage you are not even allowed to use the word highend. Based on the fact that humans can hear sound in a 3-dimensional spectrum. I think that a stunning holographic 3D stage makes listening to music so much more addictive and intense.

In 9 years of time I brought many people from a 2D system to a 3D system. And they all react the same way. They use their system so much more. And I gave them other properties of sound they also did not own

This new client bought a Lumin D2 with our Pro modification about 6 weeks ago. I did send him to a shop to audition both his loudspeaker and the PL-200 II. I wanted to make clear that the PL-200 II in a trial and error system is so much different than in a Tru-Fi world.

The system did not have any level in depth he said during the demo of both B&W804D3 and PL-200 II. He was rather dissapointed in both demoes. The day after I did send him to a client who lives not that far away from him. He owns a PL-200 II set in a Tru-Fi system with a Lumin and Pro modification.

This client is a musician in a band and plays and owns many acoustic and electric guitars. He is more serious into audio for about 5 years of time. And he visits shows and also visited different audioshops in the last 5 years of time.

He wrote me a nice story about his experiences during the PL-200 II and the Tru-Fi system. Later that day he phoned me as well. It was the best system he ever auditioned. He said; in a few seconds you already know that this is a different world.

He was stunned that the same PL-200 II had become a totally different loudspeaker than the day before in the audioshop. He was amazed how much better this loudspeaker was compared to his B&W 804D3. For the first time he could hear diversity in height. And mann this make a huge difference in how the music effects you. He could hear so much more details and information of his own music.

When he will have used his new Tru-Fi system and the PL-200 II he will write a review about his experiences. I will send the link overhere. He never experienced music this palpable and diverse in sound. It made his music so much more attractive he said. That same day he bought the PL-200 II and a Tru-Fi system.

He understood directly what audio does to your emotion and feelings when your music is being played by all the different properties of sound. You only can create an audiosystem what is able to reveal all the different properties of sound when each part in that system owns all the different properties of sound.

Because most brands and products cannot reveal all these different properties of sound. We only use and sell products who can reveal all the different properties of sound. This way we can outperform any other competitor easily. Each person wants the most intense and emotional system. Based on the fact that our emotion works this way.

The Reference 5 display speakers here benefit greatly from the Belden Iconoclast speaker cables, more than most other speakers. The cables open up the top end and extend and define the deep bass. This sounds like a narrow recommendation but it nails it. Otherwise the Ref5s can be a little soft on top. The MA 200 IIs are in the same room here. I agree the sound with them is denser in a good way, but they don’t sound dark on top. 
At Home you have got to be kidding, Kef Reference soft on top?

They are rated to 45k high freuency response, they are anything other than soft. 

What are you running yours with to come up with your feeling that they sound soft?

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
When you let people hear a stunning 3-dimensional holographic stage with even diversity in height, The Kef can’t even compete to this level. Maybe in your limited trial and error world you think it is good. It still does not own all the different properties of sound. When you are aware of how sound works and you know how to create it. You enter a world which makes the trial and error world sounds even silly and outdated.

When you all keep on doing audio by trial and error you will stay in a world what will never make you smile and proud each single time you listen to your system. When you are aware of all the different properties of sound your ideas about audio and music goes to a different level.

And the focus is only based on what you can create and bring to the max. Everything what is less or incomplete has no meaning. And you know why? Because it will never reach that level in emotion as those products and systems who can reveal it all.

Tru-Fi has nothing to do with any brand. It only makes clear if each individual product is able to create and reveal all the different properties of sound. These products will always outperform all incomplete products in a Tru-Fi world. And no one can change that. Because this is how our emotion works.