Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
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@geoffkait- That's why I stated 'given their claims'. Go on the premise all product claims are valid regardless of knowing its material makeup. Would you agree such products go beyond a weird audiophile tweak and can have myriad applications beyond stereo equipment.

You have no idea what Tim has done, is doing, or will do in the future. He is a smart guy, and I would be extremely surprised if he was foolish enough to reveal any of that on a public forum. You're basically throwing around a bunch of wild, uninformed, speculation. What is your point/purpose in doing so?
You think Rambus is a good example, how about Virnetix (VHC).  They won four court cases against Apple for infringement.  The first two cases were retried as bifurcated patents.  Apple hasn't paid yet.  They owe $1 billion including mostly punitive damages and interest.  This infringement has been occurring over almost a decade on patented military software purchased by VHC.  Apple's continuous fight goes to attempting to bankrupt VHC.  Also, Apple could just buy VHC for under $200 million and forgo the damages but they just play hard ball and have the money to do so.

Another is Mylan's Epipen.  Mylan tweaked the epipen when it's patent was running out, just slightly and received a new patent.  Since then, Adamis and Teva received approval for their generic epipen's which also tweaked the patented epipen.  Production on the former hasn't begun and the latter is in the process while there exists a significant underproduction of the patented pen by Mylan.   

These are just two examples of patents and lawsuits. 

It is possible that the E-Mat has some formulation of TC embedded in it.  No one knows what TC is either.  As previously stated, tweaks are not viewed as investments by big companies or government agencies until they are a success or are their elements are known.  We should be glad that the E-Mat wasn't sold to Sony as it could just be buried after purchase and we wouldn't get to use it.