@geoffkait- That’s why I stated ’given their claims’. Go on the premise all product claims are valid regardless of knowing its material makeup. Would you agree such products go beyond a weird audiophile tweak and can have myriad applications beyond stereo equipment.
Given whose claims? Who is they? Besides people claim all kinds of things. Claims don’t mean nothin. Nobody has to prove claims. Nobody has to make claims. Get real. We went through the same thing twenty five years ago with the Shakti On Lines and there have been similar claims regarding Peter Belt products, crystals, the Intelligent Chip, the Teleportation Tweak, audiophile products that affect video and so on.
@geoffkait- That’s why I stated ’given their claims’. Go on the premise all product claims are valid regardless of knowing its material makeup. Would you agree such products go beyond a weird audiophile tweak and can have myriad applications beyond stereo equipment.
Given whose claims? Who is they? Besides people claim all kinds of things. Claims don’t mean nothin. Nobody has to prove claims. Nobody has to make claims. Get real. We went through the same thing twenty five years ago with the Shakti On Lines and there have been similar claims regarding Peter Belt products, crystals, the Intelligent Chip, the Teleportation Tweak, audiophile products that affect video and so on.