Theta Cassablanca 3 setup related question and request for input

I am contemplating buying a CB3 HD with 4k, and 2 premium DACs. But it doesn’t have DIRAC like in CB4.
Currently have a Krell Foundation that can be set up using ARES. So, I am hesitant to buy something without room correction software.
Being a new potential user of Theta, I am looking for some input from veteran CB users.

Will I be able to set up CB3 manually that will sound as good or at least close to as good that is set up using DIRAC? Or is it going to be quite a big difference in SQ due to not using DIRAC?
Is there any option to use external Room Correction equipment paired with CB3? Like - can I use  MiniDSP DDRC-88A Dirac Live processor by setting it up in between my Source Oppo and Theta CB3 to accomplish what comes as integral part of CB4? This is possibly $1000 investment.
I will use 5.2 set up with two Rythmik Subs and Revel Speakers.

Will appreciate any help!
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@gbabu5y:BTW, I will give you a good price on my CB3, if you want it.  It has the video board, which is pretty cool, to monitor your settings on your video screen.

Regarding handyman's comments, it's kind of an unfair comparison, as the Calypso is a 2-channel stereo TUBE preamp.  You are not going to get the "organic" sound out of the Theta Casablanca.  Also, the Theta is not a true analog preamp.  All of the analog inputs are automatically converted to digital (A/D convertor) and then re-processed and reclocked for digital output. 

That being said, I also had the same experience that handyman had.  I actually bought an upgraded Casablanca IV with Xtreme DACs and the Dirac room control.  I could not get the thing to sound good.  Like handyman indicated, it had a very clinical and sterile sound to it and it wasn't really "full" sounding.  As far as Dirac, I also could never get it to sound good.  Some people love Dirac room control, but I am from the side that does not like room control.  Dirac did weird things to the phasing and caused the sound to be "in your head" like headphones instead of way out in front of you.  I could tame this by cutting back on the Dirac processing percentage and doing a multi-point microphone measurement, but it never sounded as good as with Dirac turned off.  Dirac also over-compensated some of the bass frequencies causing the subwoofer to peak at frequencies that were room nulls.  I discovered later that the only way to deal with bass problems is with tuned membrane bass traps.

I had an older Krell HTS 7.1 at the time and when I gave up on the Theta and went back to the Krell, it was like "god damn, this Krell sounds so good!!".  The Theta just did not "sing" like the Krell.  The HTS 7.1, and the S1200 that I own now, have the Krell fully discrete Class A analog circuits that are just magic, in my opinion.

The Krell Foundation is very good, but I don't know what it uses for analog circuits.  Based on the price and all the Krell descriptions, I will have to assume that it uses op amps at this point.


Regarding the MiniDSP DDRC-88A Dirac Live processor that is a HDMI correction device.  The miniDSP will have to decode any Dolby Digital / DTS type data stream and then apply Dirac corrections to that.  It will then have to re-encode those audio channels back to Dolby Digital or just send 5.1 PCM on the output.  Either case, this is not optimum because it messes with the clocking of the audio data.  If you really need room correction, it is a solution.  But it is ultimately better to look at room acoustic treatments (panels / bass traps).

Oh, I was mistaken.  The DDRC-88a is an analog input / analog output processor. This means that all analog inputs will need to be converted to digital before Dirac processing. Then converted back to analog using lower quality DACs and analog stages. And it uses a garbage wall-wart switching power supply. It is, ultimately, going to degrade your sound quality further, but it will give you Dirac room control.

I initially thought you were talking about the nanoAVR DL product, which does Dirac Room correction at the HDMI level. However, further reading states that you cannot use Dolby Digital or DTS from your source (i.e. bluray / satellite / streamer). You have to configure your source to send PCM 5.1 or PCM 7.1 only, which is doable, but it is lower sound quality than Dolby Digital / DTS because of the audio clocking problems that occur with HDMI data interface.

Thank you both for sharing your in depth observation, knowledge and experience. After reading your posts, I am thinking may be I can explore  Krell S-1200 or S1200U which are based on 707 Analog circuitry. Evo has ARES, not sure if S1200 has or not. May be that way my Music will sound better than Foundation, and even the Movies will present more realistic sound ... I will connect my 4k Oppo 203 directly to JVC DLA-X790R which is also handle video at close to 4k (it's not native 4k, but does pretty good job per the reviews).
Will that be a good plan or rather stay put with Foundation?