Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
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Actually Fleschler, it’s you who cracks me up. You think Tim has access to or has invented some exotic, previously unknown material that a company that is expert in materials analysis can’t identify? That they are constructed in such a way that the materials can’t be identified? Now THAT is funny. Please enlighten djones51 and me as to why our statements are so humorous to you. What points did we make that you find laughable? Do you find anything in our statements to be a lie? Do you think that by inventing this mat, not patenting it and selling it to any and everyone on the internet is wiser than not having patent protection? Please explain your position. And no, I would never buy this mat to have it analyzed for any ill gotten gain. Even though I have the means, I also have the integrity to never do such a thing. Tim invented it, it is his to sell. So, let’s have it Fleschler, what cracks you up about our statements?
Quick interrupt! Hey, guys, there is a long list of mysterious, implausible, unfashionable, preposterous audiophile tweaks that are nigh impossible to figure out. The chances are very high that NONE of them were patented. A technology that is just out of reach of the average person is the perfect product inasmuch as it cannot be knocked off. You can lock five PhDs in theoretical physics in a room for a week with any of these audiophile tweaks and they would be unable to come to grips. This is NOT a complete list by any means.

1. The Intelligent Chip
2. Silver Rainbow Foil
3. Morphic Message Labels
4. The Red x Pen
5. The Clever Little Clock
6. Brilliant Pebbles (crystals)
7. Purple pen around CD outer edge
8. Black cable ties around exterior drain pipes.
9. Schumann Frequency Generator
10. White Cable jackets

Well some of the statements that crack up Fleschler crack me and many others up. We have no idea what is in the mat, yet some speculate that it cannot be anything really new Or easily copied. Really? We have no idea. You have no real idea. This makes me laugh. Reasonable thought ..... right?

Also, credible reasons for not revealing every nuance of an innovation in a patent were given, but absolutely no credence was given to them. Again, since we have no idea how difficult and disruptive this technology is, the reasons given for not filing are certainly within the realm of reasonableness. Right? The inability to consider this makes me smile....sort of.

Since we don’t know the answers to these mat questions a reasonable discussion would be open to reasoned speculations. I am open to the speculative notion that the mat may be very easy to copy and nothing particularly difficult to produce. I am willing to say it may be so. However, it may be the complete opposite needing a careful plan to protect its design. Conventional wisdom regarding the safety and “wisdom” of patents can be debated in some cases.

I clearly remember and competitor thanking me at a convention for the patent on a cooking technology that was a complete game changer and disrupting the marketplace. He explained the process from beginning to end with great detail as he was an engineer and quite smart. Yes, he was able to read the patent. No doubt they are now working on this and will tweak it to make it their own. I wish we kept it out of the patent books as the competition would not have a clue till this very day.
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