Well I have one way that worked for me as well as other picky Aphiles.
- sell your dac
- sell your preamp
- sell your amp
- sell the power cords and ICs related to these products
Take this sum of money and buy a Lyngdorf 2170 one piece audio system with SOTA room correction. Great unit that replaced $18,000 worth of stuff for me with no regrets. Lyngdorf also makes the model 3400.
Read up on it and decide if this is a viable option for you. Sound quality is first rate and the room correction assures your speakers sound as the designer intended in your particular space. Depending on what you already have for separates you may save money in the end.
- sell your dac
- sell your preamp
- sell your amp
- sell the power cords and ICs related to these products
Take this sum of money and buy a Lyngdorf 2170 one piece audio system with SOTA room correction. Great unit that replaced $18,000 worth of stuff for me with no regrets. Lyngdorf also makes the model 3400.
Read up on it and decide if this is a viable option for you. Sound quality is first rate and the room correction assures your speakers sound as the designer intended in your particular space. Depending on what you already have for separates you may save money in the end.