MFSL worth it?

Asked on another forum but it crashed. Anyway, got an MFSL  Allman Bros lp, cheap, didn't notice it's SEALED! With some much needed help, found it's selling for $125 on discogs, unsealed mint $70+. I have a Me75ed with a Shure ej stylus. How much better is it than my vintage copy? Play it or trade?
Is $125 going to change your life? Do you love the Allmans? The MFSL should sound much better than yours.

Sometimes, it’s hard to resist making a good buck on a lucky find, but sometimes it’s also a gift from the cosmos.

I can’t say which is right for you. It’s a personal choice. (I’d keep it.)

Good luck, either way.
Thanks for the replies. Not my favorite allman bros album, but not bad. When it was new we passed it around. Those were the days. I paid $2 so I can't lose. I will probably take it to the big city and see what I can get in store credit.How did we listen to records and not care about condition or cleanliness? Sometimes I wish...but records are magic and cds are bits. Again, thanks
MFSL are just like any other pressing. Some were better, some were not.

Sometimes the masters were shot, played out.

Sometimes the match between the original recorder and the playback deck was poor. Even though the tones aligned, the music didn't.

Sometimes EQ copies were used as the master had been damaged.

Sometimes combination of tape, eq, lathe, computer and laquers detracted.

If you can get more than you paid, sell it!
If you're an AB fan, open it up and enjoy. MFSL vinyl consistently has sounded fabulous in my experience. The Rolling Stones Sticky Fingers pressing that they did had so much detail and resolution, it blew away the original. I can't speak as what they've been up to recently, but in the 80's, MFSL was the place to go for the best sounding source material.
I hear the difference MFSL LP's that I own from the late 70's and 80's. For me they are the very best recorded Lp's ever made. If your lucky enough to have a collection of them, by all means do your self a favor and record them on a 1/2 tape recorder, and try not to over play them .  Keep them all and enjoy them ,they will never make those MFSL like JVC did made  in Japan. After saying all that tune up your system sit back and crack that system up and enjoy life is too short.......