looking forward in reading more about your purchase decision. Happy Listening!
looking forward in reading more about your purchase decision. Happy Listening!
PrimaLuna amp good match for Thiel CS 2.3?
Found a set of CS 2.3s in the Audio Solutions store in Indy, they were nice enough to hook them up to a PrimaLuna Dailogue Premium HP Integrated and the sound was great, very much what I am looking for. Based on this listen, I think the Dialogue Premium HP amp would be a good match, but still not sure about how well other products in the PrimaLuna line-up would work. Surprisingly, a Rogue Atlas Magnum II was not in the same ballpark. Next step is to call Kevin at Upscale.... | These speakers are best served by an amplifier that at a minimum can produce 400 Watts into 2 Ohms, and preferably more. |
thosb OPAlmarg has given you good info heed it! The Prima Luna no matter what model, is not a good match with these speakers, it may work and sound ok to you, but you can bet your bottom dollar your not getting the best from the speakers, especially in the bass mid/bass where all the current is needed. Cheers George |