Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Great question, however, the creator is not going to divulge his secrets and I don’t blame him.
tochsil sez:

  • "One person said if they didn’t like a product that was given to them for review, they just wouldn’t say anything."

That could have been me in the TC thread. If it was me that you are referring to, you are using what I said out of context. I was talking about Herbie’s "Black Hole" CD mat, which did nothing in my system. It didn’t improve the sound and it didn’t degrade the sound. It just did nothing. I stated that I wouldn’t say anything negative because these CD mats have rave reviews from other hobbyists. So ... I figured this particular tweak is system dependent. Why harm a manufacturer unnecessarily ... especially when the Herbie’s tube dampeners work so well?

On the "black background." What we are after with all of these tweaks is a lowering of the noise floor. In other words, there is a ton of electronic noise smearing the sound of our audio systems. Its noise that we don’t realize its there until its gone. Once the noise is lowered, there is more presence to the music. It seems more live. There is more of a three dimensional presentation. With each SUCCESSFUL tweak, more of that electronic hash is removed, therefore, a continual search for more tweaks to improve the sound even further.

Personally, I don’t think "black background" is a good way to describe it. Why? Because when we hear live music, we don’t make comments like: "Geeze! Listen to that black background!" We also don’t use verbiage like: ... "Oh my, listen to that detail" either. We just relax, listen to the music ... and get emotionally involved. This is what we want from our personal audio systems, is it not? Good tweaks like Total Contact, Omega E Mats, Herbie’s tube dampeners, Synergistic Research’s multitude of tweaks all allow this to happen. Oh ... and they have a cumulative effect as well.


One of the major topics of discussion on this forum is the objective versus subjective debate as regards the efficacy of all manner of tweaks and system adjustments. The lines are well drawn on this issue. For me, listening and enjoying music is an event involving my ears and brain not a mechanical measuring device.

I am on Day 14 of my one Omega E- Mat being installed on the upper half of my electrical service door. The positive impact that Mat has had on my audio system and video screens is obvious and undeniable. I have no idea what is in that Mat and how or why it does what it does.

I should be receiving more amazing Mats today or tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what impact a second Mat in the lower half of my service door will yield. I’m already to the point with my 65" UHD screen and 52" HD screen where I will need to adjust the video parameters as the impact of the Mat has increased the brightness and color saturation almost to the point of having it set to "vivid". The resolution of the screens is astonishing. You really haven’t seen what a UHD screen is capable of until you have had your electrical service subjected to an Omega E-Mat.

What about the E-Mat’s effect on audio? Higher resolution. Deeper, higher, wider soundstage. Much greater dynamic swing. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Wondering what the additional benefits of more Mats will be...🤔🙂

You should try the TC.  For $300 it is probably a bigger improvement per $ than additional mats after the first on the electrical panel ... although I can imagine others differing on this.