Which Nakamichi to choose?

I have the opportunity to get a very good Nak Cassettedeck 1 or a DR-2. Which one would you choose? And why?
Thanks for giving a newbie some valuable advice.
I heard that Dragon requires more maintenance, and I bet 682ZX records better. ZX-9 is extremely rare and very expensive, great machine, but 682ZX has a classic Nakamichi sound which many prefer. 680ZX is probably the best value overall, though I heard that the bass is not as good as 682ZX's. Can't verify that. ZX-7 is fine too, getting rare as well. I took a look at ebay, prices went up significantly compared even to the last year.

@bstbomber I agree regarding the Nak. ZX-9. Truly a wonderful machine.
I bought a ZX-9 new, back in the 80s and loved everything about it. It made perfect recordings and play back of all of my favorite LPs and gave many years of flawless service.
After a couple of moves, and many years of it in storage (packed safely in it's original box) about a year ago, I dug it out, cleaned it up and serviced the belt and captstins and WOW ! It played and sounded as beautiful as ever.
As I was unable to find my collection of recorded cassettes (nearly all on TDK SAs and SA-Xs) and thinking they must have been in with some other things that had been stolen from my shop - I decided to sell it. A month after selling the Nak, I found (in a box inside of another box of misc. stuff) my collection of cassettes. Now I wish I had it back...Jim
Dragons and 682 can still be had in very good working order, fully serviced for not too stupid money right now.
The 1000zxl and 700zxl not so much! Pretty crazy prices on those pair.
The zx9 is also up there on high prices.

The 682 is probably the best buy out there right now imho.

Plenty of the "lesser" 3 head machines around at very fair money, I acquired my 582 very reasonably for example and for what I want ( to just play back pre recorded tapes) it does its job admirably. 
Strange world.
Took a trip to my LRS this morning, bought a bunch more tapes, I mean $2 each why not!

Anyways at back of shop they sell odd electronics usually bestbuy fodder but I looked anyway.

Not one but two Nak decks, lx3 and bx100 both in great shape.
Yes just 2 head machines but I walked out with the pair for $200 . did I need them, course not , could I use them, of course.

I have the lx3 set up in my second system right now playing Eurythmics.
My problem is that when I use Dolby B or C while recording on a Nak, it does not sound the same on Aiwa HS-PC20 CassetteBoy in my car with Dolby. So I started recording at very high recording levels on my Nak without Dolby and now I do not have any loss of high frequencies and there’s no distortion.  Since the signal-to- noise ratio is so high I don’t hear the hiss.