In need high-efficency speakers

I recently purchased a preowned Mystere IA-11 40 watt tube integrated amp to replace a 120 wpc SS amp. Overall it has a very satisfying sound with plenty of detail, dynamics and a tight bass for a tube amp.

The problem is the combination of our large town-home living/dining room combo with my 87db DIY Seas Froy Mk3 speaker, powered by the 40 watt amp means it can’t play loud, especially a problem with movies or TV specials.

I was hoping to change to the Zu Audio Omen Mk2 or Klipsch Heresy III high-efficency speakers. My wife and I agree it is unwise to spend that kind of money with our current finances. The Zu Dirty Weekend would be a cheaper option, but the Klipsch would look better in our living room.

So I’m looking for solid advice on what to do from this audiophile community.

Here is a link to my ’Virtual System’ if that will help.

Thanks all,
I rave about my Klipsch Heresy IIIs here frequently...99db efficiency is hard to beat, they sound fabulous, and are somewhat unobtrusive (relative to the surroundings obviously, but they're short and fat). I use them with 2 smallish REL subs and a 12 wpc single ended tube amp in a medium largish room.
If you can afford it consider the new Klipsch Forte III speakers.
Purchase them from a major store on eBay (free shipping) and negotiate
the price. Bassed on size and color options I believe they would look good in your room. Feel free to PM me if you want additional information.
BTW: there was only one dealier in my area that carried Klipsch and they did not have the Forte III’s.
I doubt sensitivity is the issue and the load might play a bigger role. 40 watts will get you around 103 db at 1 meter and that isn't anything to scoff at. If the amp can't handle the load of the speaker though it won't be a pleasant experience. If you are looking for reference levels then that's a different story and you'd need a high powered amp with high sensitivity speakers. 

Does the amp have different taps? If so you might try playing around with them. 
Remember, the Heritage Klipsch products are reproductions of their products when *all* the home amplification was low-powered tubes.
Klipsch claims a 99dB sensitivity rating with 1 watt input for the Heresy III.