Cardas Power Cords for DAC

I gave up contacting Cardas with questions, as they almost never respond. Even when they do, they tell you nothing, other than ask questions, and then never follow up when you answer them. Shame!

Anyways... looking for a power cord for my DAC. I have Cardas Clear for my Amp and Clear Beyond for my power conditioner, but not sure if they good for a digital source like DAC / Streamer (Ayre QX-5). Would the cheaper Clear M be good for the DAC? Or should I look at other brands? 
Anyone has any experience with Essential Sound Products, and more specifically Essence Reference II?

A well known reviewer uses them in his chain
@thyname I have similar components, It will be interesting to see where you end up with the power cable on your DAC or source.
What are your components @mikey8811 ?

I just got a Wireworld Platinum Electra 7 for my DAC, and I am loving it!