In need high-efficency speakers

I recently purchased a preowned Mystere IA-11 40 watt tube integrated amp to replace a 120 wpc SS amp. Overall it has a very satisfying sound with plenty of detail, dynamics and a tight bass for a tube amp.

The problem is the combination of our large town-home living/dining room combo with my 87db DIY Seas Froy Mk3 speaker, powered by the 40 watt amp means it can’t play loud, especially a problem with movies or TV specials.

I was hoping to change to the Zu Audio Omen Mk2 or Klipsch Heresy III high-efficency speakers. My wife and I agree it is unwise to spend that kind of money with our current finances. The Zu Dirty Weekend would be a cheaper option, but the Klipsch would look better in our living room.

So I’m looking for solid advice on what to do from this audiophile community.

Here is a link to my ’Virtual System’ if that will help.

Thanks all,
You can still buy Heresy IIIs (I was surprised when I received the "Capitol" edition from these guys...there's a more expensive list for these with different finishes than regular Heresy IIIs, otherwise technically identical) from the same Ebay seller where I bought my pair last December.  Still $1499 with free shipping, factory warranty, and a generous return policy. Look for "acousticsounddesign" in Gabbs Nevada. Mine arrived (I live near Boston) in 3 days from the order. 
You need to figure out what your priorities  are. With high efficiency  your giving up bass for same size speaker. Your amp should have plenty of oomph to drive many types of speakers as long as your not headbanging. Try to hear as much as you can. 
Hi , I have Zu Omen MkI, Klipsch Heresy II’s, Klipsch KG 1.5’s , And JBL 4312A’s. I use either a 12 Wpc Had Inspire , Dynakit MkIII’s ( 60 Wpc ), or a Vintage Marantz 2226 receiver . Without a doubt get the Omens ! I love mine . Sometimes Zu is short on used drivers and installs new ones on the Dirtys ( so I’ve heard ). I have heavy carpet and run the provided spikes . Even with 12 Wpc the Bass is good . I purchased some solid 3” thick Timbernation spiked bases and it sounded terrible . Went back to the spikes . Of the 4 pairs of speakers , I like the Heresys the least . If your interested , I’ll make you a deal . I read a review on the Zotl 40 Wpc and the reviewer loved it with his Tekton Double Impacts . But for $750 , I purchased a pair of pristine Zu Omens in walnut , and will never sell them . At that price you can get the MK II UPGRADE and buy some nice speaker cables , I run Anti-Cables level 3 and Morrow Level 5 Interconnects . My room is 15x20 with a 12’ ceiling . Hope this helps , Mike . 
Yes I'm aware of the trade offs. I'm slow and sure before making purchases. When we're no longer able to be content with the lower volume for movies/tv I'll make the plunge. But the Klipsch and Zu are at the top of my short list.
Mjcmt, given that you’ve purchased a pre-owned amplifier, I’m wondering if the reason the sound "hardens" when the volume control is turned up past the 12 o’clock position might simply be that some of the tubes might not be in good condition.

In any event, consistent with my earlier comments it seems to me that buying new speakers to compensate for the fact that turning the volume control up high enough to utilize the majority of the amp’s power capability is not possible without significant sonic degradation, while not first determining what the root cause of the problem is, would not be a good approach. And if the root cause of the problem ultimately cannot be determined, I would consider replacing the amp, not the speakers. As I indicated earlier, you are probably not using more than about 6 watts of its specified 40 watt capability.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al