Is there actually a difference?

Speakers sound different - that is very obvious. But I’ve never experienced a drastic change between amps. Disclaimer that I’ve never personally ABX tested any extremely high end gear.

With all these articles claiming every other budget amp is a "giant killer", I’ve been wondering if there has ever been blind tests done with amplifiers to see if human ears can consistently tell the difference. You can swear to yourself that they do sound different, but the mind is a powerful thing, and you can never be sure unless it’s a truly blind test.

One step further - even IF we actually can tell the difference and we can distinguish a certain amp 7/10 times under extreme scrutiny, is it really worth the thousands you are shelling out to get that nearly-imperceivable .01% increase in performance?

Not looking to stir up any heated debate. I’ve been in audio for several years now and have always thought about this.
If he got better hearing aids he'd be able to hear the difference between amps.
I think the easiest way to hear the differences is by comparing an inexpensive SS amp with an inexpensive 300B amp. I  am hard of hearing in one ear and the other ear is no better yet I can hear the differences. 
@geoffkait —Well, I don't know the answer to your question, but, as (apocryphally) credited to Mark Twain…

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

So I guess some people always need more proof.

I think it's easier today to hear the difference in amps (because of the advancement of IC's, power cords, & receptacles) than it was back when those guys made their claims. Although even back then, I didn't agree with them. Way too many tell tale signs to make a claim that they sound the same. 
@geoffkait —Well, I don't know the answer to your question, but, as (apocryphally) credited to Mark Twain…
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

So I guess some people always need more proof.

>>>>As PT Barnum was fond of saying,

”People would be generally much better off if they believed in too much rather than too little.”