Replacing fuse

Would replacing an 6.3A SLO BLO fuse with an 8 SLO BLO fuse be ok? Thanks for any information.
Said some, obviously I was excluding myself.Was your first date on Lord of the Rings?
I did it with my snell  speakers all the time
Just did not blow as soon
 Try it.  But use a nice hifi
Fuse.  Not some $1 job
Got the fuse today and so far so good,got my fingers crossed!I did ask Parts Connexion as well,said it would be fine.

@john421 Perhaps it's too late, but another place in Canada you may check next time is Audiyo. Pretty sure they are in the GTA, but all my purchases from them have been online, so can't be sure. Steven at Audio Sensibility has an awful lot of electronics stock in his home, Although as a cable manufacturer, I don't know if he is in the market to sell any of the non-cable parts he has. Can't hurt to ask though.

Good luck