Which Nakamichi to choose?

I have the opportunity to get a very good Nak Cassettedeck 1 or a DR-2. Which one would you choose? And why?
Thanks for giving a newbie some valuable advice.
Strange world.
Took a trip to my LRS this morning, bought a bunch more tapes, I mean $2 each why not!

Anyways at back of shop they sell odd electronics usually bestbuy fodder but I looked anyway.

Not one but two Nak decks, lx3 and bx100 both in great shape.
Yes just 2 head machines but I walked out with the pair for $200 . did I need them, course not , could I use them, of course.

I have the lx3 set up in my second system right now playing Eurythmics.
My problem is that when I use Dolby B or C while recording on a Nak, it does not sound the same on Aiwa HS-PC20 CassetteBoy in my car with Dolby. So I started recording at very high recording levels on my Nak without Dolby and now I do not have any loss of high frequencies and there’s no distortion.  Since the signal-to- noise ratio is so high I don’t hear the hiss. 
Right. With good metal tape you can push Nak, at least better Naks, to 8 or even 9 while recording. I usually do 6 or 7. With Type I and Type II tapes, which I no longer use, it is no more than 5 for me, as recommended by Nakamichi.
I bought a Cassette Deck II of eBay in January for $59.  I’m getting back into all this after 18 years w/out a system and had no real reason for a tape deck other than I’ve always wanted a Naka...

Being from 1990 this isn’t one one of the hard core fan favorites but it blows me away.  The build quality is fantastic and I love how it sounds. :)
This thread brings back treasured memories, but this recent revival and reappreasal of the compact cassette is also something curious. Is it nostalgia, or was it really that good?

In my student days I was a fanatical 'taper'. My small budget for records couldn't keep up with my large appetite for music, so taping was the way to go. At the time I used an LX-3, which was all that I could afford. But coming from a fairly modest Akai model (don't remember which) it was quite a revelation. I retaped everything I had already recorded. It was really that good!

A few years ago I ran into a 700 II, which was one of those machines that had me drooling in front of shop windows (remember those?). Would you believe $150 plus another $150 for service (cleaning, new belts, etc.)? It was a whimsical buy in a frankly nostalgic mood, but I'm actually amazed (again) at the sound quality. It really still is that good! Oh how I wish I had kept all of those tapes, even though I would probably retape them all over again.........