Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
What XLR splitters are being used?

I have three possibilities, and I’m not sure any of them qualify for even testing:
- Oppo 205 with a balanced output (mod) to a Directstream dac
- DS dac to ATC active speakers (SCM19A)
- alternatively, DS dac RCA out to JL Audio subs (active) and, with an adapter, XLR from the subs to the ATC actives

I'm not picturing what "outer" and "inner" mean in referring to the final half twist on each end, since which cable plugs into which splitter lead would depend on how the end plugged into the component. Twisting the latter the other way would seem meaningless. 
Highstream, I have some Audioquest XLR splitters (conventional, as sold on their website, not "reverse" splitters). I had to go to a guitar/music center to find the appropriate reverse 2 to 1 XLR splitters. They can also be found on Amazon, but are lower quality. 

The outer versus inner designation simply refers to the orientation of the two cables used with the splitters on RCA or XLR only, not with Y cables. I do not concern myself with any kind of "twist" when using the Y cables, only with hard splitter devices. With a hard splitter cables can either be kept parallel, or a half "twist" put in them by moving the outer cable to the inner position and vice versa on one end only. 

If you have any qualms about testing, please consult your equipment manufacturers first. This is a do at your own risk activity. 

I have not encountered a possibility of using the Schroeder Method to subwoofers, so I cannot advise in regards to that. 

If DAC to active speakers would prove to be efficacious, my guess is the result would be brilliant. I would not try it unless conferring with the manufacturer. 

Thanks for the clarification. I don't see any XLR splitters, only bare connectors, on the Audioquest website. And as far as I can tell, they don't sell directly, only through dealers, at least in the U.S.
I think I had a memory failure; I seem to recall that I requested the XLR splitters be built by Audioquest rather than select them from the website. Sorry for the misdirection. They are Audioquest and I worked with them to select the particular product (wire) used in making the Y cable pairs. 

They are very high quality and I am most pleased with them. I am not sure whether Audioquest would make "reverse" splitters, i.e. 2 to 1. 

They do have both 1 to 2 and the 2 to1 cables for RCA. I purchased some of these and plan to utilize them in due time for further testing. 
After reading this thread (and the one regarding Teo Audio), I purchased the Audioquest RCA splitters and an extra set of Duelund .5 meter interconnects.  With about 75 hours on everything, I'd say vocals are even more immediate and haze free.  To use a visual analogy, its like taking the screen off a window and you realize there was more clarity waiting to be discovered, but you never knew it was available.  It doesn't change tone or turn something bad to good, it just opens it up a bit.  Thanks for the advice Douglas.