Dynavector retiped

Would it be better to buy a new cartridge or make a retiped of it.  I would like to retiped and convert my DV20x2H into DV20x2L
Never buy retipped cartridges, look for a perfectly working original (new or used)

BTW: Dynavector KARAT 23RS BR Ruby from the 80's is a fantastic cartridge for the money.
If refurbished by the original manufacturer it’ll be as good as new - if by any other it’ll be a different cartridge - which not necessarily a bad thing.  SoundSmith does excellent work - highly recommended 

Good Listening 


Post removed 

Greetings, I would like to share my positive Retipping experience

This past July while I was unpacking my turntable the tonearm swung lose and the cantilever on my Blackbird was damaged and bent. Upon playing and testing the sound was staticky and distorted. After researching the problem I consider my options; buy a new or used cartridge or have my Blackbird retipped. I reviewed a number of comments and recommendations on the subject through various discussion boards and decided on retipping and the services of Andy Kim.

As I considered this an opportunity to upgrade the sound and performance of my Blackbird I researched the best component and material options. About a week after talking with Andy I sent him my Blackbird. The turnaround time for delivery and return was 7 days. The day I received my Blackbird I installed it and noted some problems and contacted Andy. Andy graciously agreed to reinspect my Blackbird and apologized for any inconveniences. A few days after receiving my Blackbird he provided me with his findings from the examination and would get back to me on the best solution.

On August 23, 2018 Andy contacted me with an surprising offer to COMP me for my Blackbird; which I accepted after some consideration. Please see the attached photo of the NC-1 and the specification.

Note Andy has relocated to Californian now but his email address is still the same.

Needle Clinic NC-1 limited edition moving coil cartridge

The Needle Clinic is very proud to offer our customers a limited edition moving coil cartridge built to our exacting standards based on our decades of cartridge repair knowledge.

The exclusive NC-1 cartridge is a result of co-development between the Needle Clinic and one of Japans finest high end boutique cartridge manufacturer.

The Mission:
Using our decades of knowledge, experience, expertise and relationship oversees to have a limited edition moving coil cartridge built to our specifications from one of the finest cartridge manufacturers available in the world. Create a low output moving coil cartridge with unprecedented price to performance value.
The Achievement:
Very good tonal balance without over emphasis on dynamics and bass. One of the most natural sounding mid bands available, excellent clarity and separation of instruments, sweet top end without explicitness or overemphasis.

Limited Production:
The Needle Clinic NC-1 is limited to 20 pieces.

Type: Low impedance moving coil (MC) cartridge Frequency response: 10 Hz to 50 kHz
Output Voltage: 0.22mV
Channel Separation: 30dB or more (1kHz) Channel Balance: 1dB or less (1kHz)
Cantilever: Beryllium
Stylus Tip: VDH
Load Impedance: 20-100 Ohms Impedance: 5 Ohms
Tracking weight: 1.8 to 2.2 grams Weight: 5 grams
Cartridge Price: $1200 USD

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