Driving Totem Acoustic Winds with Peachtree Grand Inegrated X-1(Class D) Amp ?

I'm currently driving a pair of Mirage OMD-15 towers with my Peachtree Audio Grand Integrated X-1, Class D amplifier.  I'm considering upgrading my speakers and have an interest in the Totem Acoustic Winds.  I am far, far away from a Totem dealer so taking my amp in for an audition is not a realistic option.  Any constructive comments about the proposed set-up would be appreciated.  Any speakers I buy will probably be second hand and I'm also considering a pair of PSB Synchrony One's.

Not sure if I can help but I’ll try. I have demod the Totem Arro, Hawk, Forest and ultimately ended up with a pair of Cherry Forest Signatures. Totem appears to have a speaker for every occasion and system. I’m using a Class A/B Levinson and an Anthem 225/310 watt Integrated on occasion. The speakers sound amazing. I am very satisfied with my speakers. House sound? Very natural timbre. And they will convey any upstream anomolys. I can tell you that all the Totems like power and current. Here is a link of the 8 ohm Signatures being demod with a 600 watt Boulder amp.


I apologize upfront, I do not have any experience with your specific amplifier. I’ve heard the Hawks and Arros with a Primaluna Premier amplifier and the tubes sounded great. The Winds are a much larger speaker with a 4 ohm load so I would seek professional advice on the pairing.

My advise would be to call David Serota of David Lewis Audio. He is one of the premier dealers on the East Coast. He will give you an very honest assessment. 215-725-4048

In addition, I echo ghosthouse’s advise. Maybe give Totem a call or drop them an email.


Thanks N.  I've just sent an email off to Totem and will probably call David Lewis as well.

From my recollection, it took Totem a couple of days to respond to my messages. 

David Serota will answer his calls, emails and return messages fairly quickly. Usually the same day. 

Good luck and keep us posted! ghosthouse and I are always interested in the Totem brand and what makes them perform well. 

Wrote to Totem but haven't heard back yet. Called David Serota (at his correct phone number 215-725-4080); he is a very knowledgeable guy, willing to give advice, but his line of products are quite a step above my budget and he's not a big fan of mid-fi integrateds like my P'tree Grand.  It's not that the Winds won't be compatible but rather that the amp may not be good enough to get the most out of the speakers. He also thinks that the Wind Designs, at a much higher price point, are much better speakers but would need a much higher price point amp to complement them.  All in all, according to Serota, its about how much you're willing to spend to get a truly measurable upgrade.
Hey lars,

As I stated earlier, it took Totem several days to return my email. You can call them as well. They do enjoy speaking with customers and will answer any questions regarding their products.

I apologize for the typo on the phone number but I’m glad you got to speak with David. I agree with you, he is very knowledgeable and isn’t going to lure anyone into a sale that isn’t mutually beneficial for both parties. Better not force a sale and have an unhappy customer,IMO. David gives you his honest opinion upfront. If he doesn’t feel the gear is compatible, he will tell you. I see no fault in that.

Let me know what Totem has to say. I am sincerely interested in their response.