Recommendations for CD Player/DAC Combo

I was slightly surprised that there isn't a very large selection of CD player/DAC combos out there.  Yamaha, Marantz, Musical Fidelity, and a few others make them, but not many other companies.  It seems like building a cd player into a DAC makes a lot of sense, like an integrated amp.  Can anyone recommend one these?  My budget would $3000 tops.  Thanks, J
@tyan42 I think there are more than you mention.  Nuprime and Denon certainly within your new price bracket, and Bryston, Hegel, and Primare just a little over it.  And that's without any research.

Elizabeth has a new 10K Marantz SACD player and yet she is only using it as a dac to "save" the transport?  Save for what?  My reply was I have a 8.5K Esoteric player which I use everyday as a CD player.  Why wouldn't I use the entire player?   That is what I was driving at without naming names.  It's her business as to how she uses it but I don't see the logic.

I hope I have clarified things

stereo5, In the spirit you evince in making your comments about Liz’s use of her CDP, I can’t understand why you would be really spendy on your system yet place your speakers on the wall where, presumably, you will not hear  what your speakers were capable of had you paid more attention to your set up. Quite the contrary. I could bore you with detail about about proper set up but, hey, its your stuff, your room, and none of my business. If the sound you get makes you happy who am I to comment. But if I had to put my speakers on a wall, as you have, I wouldn’t have wasted my money on mine.

Liz, forgive me, I know you can speak for your self but, I assume, too polite to respond.
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