Focal Electra BE series

Can anyone give feedback on Focal Electra BE series either 1028be or 1038be, possibly even 1027 or 1037 be series.
Currently have Revel Performa3 F206 and love their natural, clear and faithful to the music uncolored sound. They just aren't efficient enough and need more power handling to push a little louder at times. 
I'm looking for 89-90 or better sensitivity and 300-400 watt power handling.
My front end components are Benchmark DAC2, Ayre K5xemp preamp and Mark Levinson 532h amp rated at 300+ wpc. 
I've heard new Focal Kanta and they sounded excellent,  Electra BE series are a slight step up and are great deals right now. Haven't got a dealer near by to audition. Trying to keep to a slightly smaller than 45" inch tall speaker. 
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Kosst amojan, I'm just going by Focal website and fact their Utopia and Sopra use the W sandwich drivers and I believe same famed Beryllium tweeter in the BEs. Don't know Why tweeter in Kanta could be better, but anyhow I had auditioned Kanta and I did sound very good, great midrange but a little think in the bass region to my ears. As I've read in lots of professional reviews and posts here new is not always better. 
My question though wasn't to debate which is better, it was to ask how 1028be sounds and if a neutral response and sound like Revels. 
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So the Kantas are better than Sopras and Utopias that both use W sandwich cone drivers and same tweeter as 1028be?
And I guess also flax drivers used in lower line speakers as in Kantas are better but not good enough for Utopias using W sandwich drivers hmmmm

This is what I hate about a lot of people on Audiogon and regret asking a simple question about a product. No one ever answers your question or positive response about the product you ask about, gotta start a debate and push a different product. I could care less about the Kantas, I've heard them. 
I asked about 1028be or 1038be and how they perform. Quite simple I thought, but apparently not. A waste of my time. I'll learn to stay away from Focal dealers I guess.