New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

@taras 22

Sounds like I would be interested when the Ultra double double becomes available. Man does requiring only one  interconnect in my system  setup and having it as good as the 2 Ultras split togethet really make a big difference. Wow! Thanks Taras, I hope you are having a nice Summer up in Kingston.
@ tuffy72561

The cable is available now ( we just haven’t put up an ad up yet ). As is an Ultra Plus version btw.

And the summer ? Madness, just madness! Lots of time on the bike, our canoe, and last but most certainly not least, the lawn tractor. And its been a bit of a heat wave here so being outside requires working around the noon day sun ( which we usually haven’t had to do, and that is a bit of a crimp ).

You ?
@taras 22

That is good to hear. I will reach out to you soon on the Ultra double double. Do you have pricing set on the Ultra double double yet? 

Hot here too. Almost every weekend it was upper 80's or warmer with high humidity. Too hot for golf a lot of the time. Hung out by some lakes and had a few cool ones while listening too live music....about my favorite combination! Also listened to my stereo system a lot which now sounds wonderful with the double run of the Ultra with the RCA splitter!
Just caught up on cable cryo treatment threads here in the Forum. Probably not a good idea to cryo-treat the Teo Audio liquid metal fluid conductors. Just a reminder about the novel materials in play with the Teo Audio conductors vs solid wire conductors and how they are being conditioned (the latter routinely being burned in with cable cookers or being cryo-treated in liquid N2).