Low power tube amp for Sonus Faber?

I'm thinking of buying an Italian tube integrated Mastersound 845 compact for my SF Elipsa SE. 
It uses 2 845 Valves, single ended at 30W per Channel. Would really like to try a valve amp on the Elipsa. Is this a mistake? Has anyone tried this? I've listened to Mastersound pf100 which are 120W mono blocks and I was blown away. Unfortunately the price difference is nearly ten fold. Has anyone tried using a low power valve amp with SF? 
ei001h OP

Also if your interested ei001h here is an A/B of the JC5 vs the $8.5K McIntosh MC452
"Tonally, the MC452 and JC 5 are nearly opposites. The MC452 is more organically textured and warmblooded. It has a denser and more colorful tone. The JC 5 is superior in its instrumentation and vocal outlines and has more dimension and air. The MC452 has less depth and is fuzzier in comparison but has more contrast with its texture. The MC452 has a more forward midrange with very nice weight and slam. The JC 5 is much quicker, more insightful, has tighter bass, and breathes further into the room. It has a wider and deeper soundstage while the MC452 is cozier. Cymbals have more zing and splash with the JC 5 while the MC452 isn’t as vibrant. The JC 5 also does a better job layering out the soundstage and separating out the performers."

And this is on B&W 804D2 quite a bit easier to drive than you SF’s, on them the differences would be even greater, especially in the bass where the JC5 would be in far less coloured and in great control with more impact and drive.

Cheers George

I use the exact same speakers with a 34 wpc EL-34 PrimaLuna DiaLogue One with great results (I also use KT-88's in the PrimaLuna from time to time). I currently switch between the PrimaLuna and a McIntosh MA8900 integrated (solid state, 200 wpc). For what it's worth, the difference is *not* night and day as you may think. In fact, sometimes the tube integrated sounds more "powerful", and vice-versa. Sometimes, the McIntopsh sounds warmer and more "tube-like". So, it's all about synergy, your room, your personal tastes, etc. I say give it a shot!
Call Upscale Audio and talk to Kevin Deal as I think they sell Sonus Faber and tube amps. 
"Would really like to try a valve amp on the Elipsa. Is this a mistake?"

Why ask the question if you're not willing to accept the answer?

I borrowed a Cronus Magnum 2 from Rogue Audio and hooked it up to Sonus Faber Venere 2.5. I didn't like it as much as the solid state Arcam amp I have been and still are using. The clarity of the high and mid-range music was less and the bass power and clarity less with the tube amp. The Sonus Fabers are such a rich, warm speaker I'm not sure that they benefit from the overtones of a tube amp, at least mine, in my room did not. So, I didn't spend the money, and am using this old amp which truthfully makes these speakers sound better than anything I ever thought I would be able to afford to have in my house.