AC Regenerator

Does anyone who has a hi end system use a AC regenerator?
If yes, how much (%) the sound becames really better?
Which is the best brand? 

Thanks a lot,

Forgot to mention there are also a tubed linestage and tubed phonostage (both Aesthetix) connected to the regenerators.
@hifiman5 —Hi, I'm really curious. How did you determine that your power line THD = 1.7%? How did you measure this? What instrument(s)?
Please advise, and thanks for guidance.
If you want to be battery powered, and truly off the grid, Stromtank is another option for a regenerator, if you have deep pockets.

I feel regenerators make theoretical sense, but in actual practice, are flawed. Firstly, the DC to AC conversion induces noise. Secondly, they usually do not deal with the noise generated by the devices. And the list goes on...

Paul McGowan, of PS Audio, stated on his forum, "Power Plants can’t and don’t affect ground."

I would guess this is why the PS Audio Power Plant owners are still hearing a difference with the time of listening. All of the garbage polluting the ground is likely entering your components.

Prospective customers should audition for themselves, whether in-store, or through a return policy.
The P5 display window shows the amount of incoming THD and outgoing.  It tells you what percentage of the P5's capability you are using as well.  In that way you can tell if you are unduly taxing the unit.  In my case I appear to be in good shape as I am using only 30%.  By pushing once on the display's touchscreen you can see the incoming sine wave, push again for a visual display of incoming distortion on that wave and one more tap gets you the outgoing sine wave.  

Paul McGowan has been a believer in power regeneration for a very long time.  It just took time to develop the technology to the point where it is now.  It's been an interesting journey for those of us who've been riding that train for some time!