Are there really a bad misfits in the hifijungle out there

I was sitting in a hifishop. Talking to different people, and we was discussing Sonus Faber IL Cremonese loudspeakers, and amps. 
But we could not find one amp that did not go well with this loudspeaker. And we  was talking about Pass Labs, Accuphase, McIntosh and Acoustic Research. But we was all agreed on one thing. There is no amp if it has enough power that cant be placed together with the Sonus Faber.
But we could not agree on what amp that was the best for the IL Cremonese. Me myself love the Pass, because i thing that it has the best open and rythmic sound of these 3 amps, But whayt about you good people. Is there really in the modern world of hifi, a really bad combination ?
  You were listening to hi-end amps with high quality speakers. But apart from your example,  there are really bad combinations. One example would be an underpowered amp that is being used with a speaker that needs more power. Another would be a bargain basement amp that would sound poor with any quality speaker. I'm sure other members can give good examples of bad combinations.
Output impedance and input impedance of preamps and amps: need to be simpatico, or bad things happen.
Not easy that twoleftears.
Look at the McIntosh C-52 Pre. That one has on balanced output impedance 200 Ohms.
And if you match it with the Manley snapper monoblocks, that i think is a lovely mix. Then the Snappers have on the XLR 15 kOhms input impedance.
And i cant read the what the heck 15 kOhm is. But it sound a long way from 200 Ohms