Integra processors good?

Looking to update my 16yr old Denon AVR-3000. I stopped by a local audio store & they suggested the Integra DHC-9.8 which is last years model & almost $1,000 less then the newer DHC-9.9 ($2300ish).

I know nothing about the company or their products so I though I would ask here. The store stated they are the best sounding processor for under $5,000 & are totally hand built!

He would let last years go for $1300, is that worth doing? Is there anything else I should consider?

thanks for any input/help!
"I am not 100% sure on what to do"

Join the club! I'm almost 100% certain none of us are either! - lol. But I'm glad it's all "helping", as you say.
To answer your question about sound quality between two receivers, I would say it will depend a bit on your needs, and your associated equipment, room, setup, acoustics, etc. One choice may or may not match up better for you than another. To ask "which receiver would sound better?" is relative, basically. I would need more info on your system, to properly qualify that question (system matching is very important), personally. Both are likely not so distance in relative sound quality however. You'll likely though get similar results, from my experience with those brands over the years.
On another note, you say your girlfriend owns a 2092 and Parasound amp combo?
OK, you'll have to forgive me here, and I have to ask - as I can't resist - as someone who's been selling hi-fi to almost exclusively the male popluation, for almost 2 decades now, can anyone else here on the Gon get there head around this scene?!!! Please excuse me but I'm having difficulty envisioning this scenario - lol.
Nevertheless, What's your system like?
LOL.... I know what you mean, definantly not many females into music/stereo stuff (I also sold equiptment but that was 16yrs ago). She has another yamaha 2095, 7 pairs of Boston Acoustic speakers, a pair of mirage subs (only the 8in versions though) & that's it since before we hung out. Since we started dating she purchased a 73in mits diamond TV. The bad news is the reason we are dating (known her for 15yrs) is her husband passed away 2yrs ago of cancer (he was 37). He was really into music (has a parasound pre amp somewhere) & enjoyed HT as well. Left 3 kids behind who are know 6, 7 & 9. fortunantly she does still really enjoy the hobby & is OK with me tweeking her stuff a bit :)

With the room setup.... 13x21 with 8ft ceilings. about 1/2 of the side wall & back wall open up to another room. I purchased a PS3 for blueray duty & I will probably get something else in a year or so, I want a new receiver & main amp before I get a dedicated B ray player.... I think she agrees with me that my speakers sound a better which are infinity kappa 8.1vII's for front & rear with kappa video for center & hopefully side effects for 7.1 sound. I am not a fan of the mirage 8's so I plan on making 2 enclosures for hopefully a pair of 15's.

I have a adcom gfa5500 that we might use for side effects untill I can get a bryston to power the main speakers. I wanted to bi-amp the main 8.1's untill I could snag a better amp.

Hopefully that's enough info.... thanks!!
I agree with Skippybo - you get one of these because of what it can do with your digital sources. It is the center of an HT system. Movies sound amazing. Sports sound amazing.

You can hook a turntable up to it but I doubt it will sound amazing.

FWIW like any preamp the sound of the Integra is influenced by the amp. It will have a Parasound flavor for sure.
Well.... I took the plunge today & purchased the processor. Thanks for everyone's help/info!!!!

Definantly helped me out a LOT in my decision!!

& FIWI I do not have a turntable thus not a issue for me.... also after talking to the salesman he suggested that I do not go the 7.1 route.... stated 5.1 will be all I need for the room I have
Congrats and enjoy

I think your salesman gave you good advice - you will be plenty happy with 5.1 especially if you can get it on the side walls instead of the back wall

If you want you can set the Integra up to bi-amp your speakers - meaning that it will split the signal into high and low then output each on a dedicated RCA. Sort of but not really an active crossover. Anyhow if you have enough amps lying around, give it a try - I am pleased with it.