My 1976 Recordings

In 1976 I went to a concert at California Institute of the Arts at Valencia. I took along my homemade binaural microphones, my homemade microphone preamp, and my Nakamichi 550 cassette recorder. Over the years I lost track of the binaural microphones, and the Nakamichi 550, but I still have the recordings I made that evening. At this long remove, my memory is vague, but I remember asking at the door if anyone minded if I made a recording. I think I was told that I was told "no one mentioned there was a rule against it." So, I made the recordings.

The first one is of a very early performance of Lou Harrison’s La Koro Sutro. There is a better commercial recording of this now available, but for a long time, this was the best recording of this piece. Here it is:
I also recorded a performance of Ten, by Morton Subotnick. As far as I know, this is the only recording of the piece in existence. Here it is for your listening pleasure:
I tried to get a fairly well known Berkeley avant garde music institution with an on-line archive interested in these historical artifacts, but they don’t seem to be interested.
So here they are. Enjoy. I recommend listening on headphones, since these are binaural recordings, but they sound find on stereo loudspeakers.
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I’m glad you appreciate them. It’s better more than one person can listen to them.