Focal Electra BE series

Can anyone give feedback on Focal Electra BE series either 1028be or 1038be, possibly even 1027 or 1037 be series.
Currently have Revel Performa3 F206 and love their natural, clear and faithful to the music uncolored sound. They just aren't efficient enough and need more power handling to push a little louder at times. 
I'm looking for 89-90 or better sensitivity and 300-400 watt power handling.
My front end components are Benchmark DAC2, Ayre K5xemp preamp and Mark Levinson 532h amp rated at 300+ wpc. 
I've heard new Focal Kanta and they sounded excellent,  Electra BE series are a slight step up and are great deals right now. Haven't got a dealer near by to audition. Trying to keep to a slightly smaller than 45" inch tall speaker. 
Funny too how kosst hasn't even heard the 1000Be series but he has an opinion on how much better Kantas are, if you haven't heard either how can you make any comparison? I have at least heard to Focal Kantas with my own ears and in my original post said they sound very good. I also own Revels and they sound very very good and Stereophile pick and benchmark speaker in their price range. I have heard Dynaudio various lines, Paradigm all lines and Totem and Bowers & Wilkins and Kef Reference 5 which are stunning in sound. At least I will ONLY give advice on something I've actually heard with my own ears, not on reading a piece of paper and opinions. New designs do not make a better speaker, if you get magic in a bottle previously. 
Thank you mofojo for a very nice comparison. I had Paradigm Prestige 85 at same time in my current setup with Revels and I previously had Paradigm Monitor 11 not in same league although great for rock as they play loud with punch. Prestige 85 had great bass detail but too bright and forward and not as cohesive as the Revels to me hinge I kept the Revels. I'm Intrigued by the Foclas since I can play louder and may still be close , very close to the sound I like about the Revels. I have good room acoustic treatments which may tame the enthusiastic top end. I know they are great speakers,  boils down to personal preference,  what you listen to and room environment. 
Thanks for the positive feedback. I appreciate 
Two years ago, I drove four hours to Delaware to audition Focal Sopra 2’s.  Also at the time, I listened to Electra 1028 BE ’s and 1038 BE 2’s.  I took my own amps and cables.   First was the 1028’s.  To my ears they sounded very good at low levels but when pressed with complex orchestral pieces at higher volumes they lost some of their ability to reproduce the music accurately.  The Sopra 2’s were next and to my ears, from the first moment, I felt the mid range and upper end were too revealing.  For instance, I could hear more (too prominent) of the studio reverb effect on female voices during certain tracks which was a distraction to me.   I knew the tracks well and never hear this separation of voice/effect before.  Then I listened to the 1038 BE 2’s.  I liked them better than either of the previous two.  They had much more composure than the 1028 BE2’s at higher volume on the same orchestral tracks.  The mid and upper range was better balanced than the Sopra 2 to my ears.
 I went there hoping to buy the Sopra 2, but walked away with the 1038 BE2’s.  They are a wonderful sounding speaker and yes, they are a steal at the price they are selling for now.  I would advocate the OP try to listen to a pair, but doubt you would be disappointed if purchasing without a demo especially at new retail of $6,999.  I understand Focal needs to keep developing new products but the Electra is one of it’s success stories and for good reason.  The ‘W’ woofers and midrange are well implemented in this design and share the same frequency response as the Sopra 3 ( 33Hz - 40kHz )!  Too bad they apparently will eliminate these  from their lineup.  Regardless, I’m just glad I made the decision to purchase them.
@janmnov Consider that the Kanta 2’s are considered the replacement for the 1038’s and it reinforces how good value they are if in your opinion thet bested the Sopra 2’s. You can find great deals on new 1038’s as dealers clear out inventory.
Agreed.  It is a musically engaging speaker with excellent soundstaging capabilities and fantastic imaging.  Being sold now for a song.  An endangered species in the Focal line.  Going, going, gone.