Have you ever changed speakers to expereince a different "soundscape" or presentation??

Has anyone ever upgraded or changed speakers to experience a different "soundscape" or sonic presentation??

Whether right or wrong, I have always thought that different speakers CAN offer a different perspective on the music.played

Without tying this question to just sound staging and imaging,..... or planar, 'stat versus box speakers, has anyone been surprised or even stunned by listening to a familiar CD or LP, and believe it sounds different and more revealing than you ever have heard before? 


@tomic601,  JRiver now has RP-FLAC integration but I haven't upgraded yet.  Sorry, off topic. 
@bdp24 I'm in the same boat. I don't listen to the horns for critical listening, but they do rock better than the MLs.
Horns are fun, I've lived with a pair. The best ones I ever heard were the pair of Jadis Eurythmie that Brooks Berdan had in his house. He also has a pair of Wilson WAMMS, Dave's original 1980's big statement speaker. And Klipschorns!
When I reviewed the Pathos Classic One (I actually worked with all three versions of it), Gianni Borinato when asked about which tube he thought would make the Classic One sound the most beautiful said, "Tubes are like women, they are all beautiful." What a lovely comment! The longer I am in this hobby and have experience with different genres of speakers the more I feel that way about them. 

I have two pairs of speakers (Maggie .7s and KEF LS50s) for just that reason. When I need a change, rather than making a purchase, I just switch out the speakers and that change appeases me until I get the itch again.