I wanted to see if there were any thoughts on best ways to feed the Micromega M100. I’m loving the Roon interface but from what I understand it feeds the M100 via Airplay which may not be giving the highest quality sound. I also have Audirvana+ latest version which seems to output UPnP to the M100 giving all the filtering options. Would adding a microRendu and feeding Ethernet into that and then USB into the M100 give even better sound? The microRendu is also Roon ready which I think would open up possibilities within Roon. Sorry for my limited knowledge on this part of computer audio.
Now ow what I can say is that the Micromega M100 sounds absolutely fabulous almost any way I feed it including straight Airplay from iTunes. It is making the best sound in my system ever. So alive with great presence. I would also say the mars is well worth the money. It’s like buying a new set of speakers so in that light it’s a bargain.
Thanks for any info info and hopefully this thread can keep expanding and become a good resource for owners.
Now ow what I can say is that the Micromega M100 sounds absolutely fabulous almost any way I feed it including straight Airplay from iTunes. It is making the best sound in my system ever. So alive with great presence. I would also say the mars is well worth the money. It’s like buying a new set of speakers so in that light it’s a bargain.
Thanks for any info info and hopefully this thread can keep expanding and become a good resource for owners.