Driving Totem Acoustic Winds with Peachtree Grand Inegrated X-1(Class D) Amp ?

I'm currently driving a pair of Mirage OMD-15 towers with my Peachtree Audio Grand Integrated X-1, Class D amplifier.  I'm considering upgrading my speakers and have an interest in the Totem Acoustic Winds.  I am far, far away from a Totem dealer so taking my amp in for an audition is not a realistic option.  Any constructive comments about the proposed set-up would be appreciated.  Any speakers I buy will probably be second hand and I'm also considering a pair of PSB Synchrony One's.

Speaker and amplifier matching is one of the more difficult parts of our hobbie. Especially if you don't have access to the speakers you want to demo. Will you be able to demo to the Dynaudios with your amp?

No, it would be very difficult and time consuming for me to demo any speaker/amp combinations as I live way out in the boonies.  It would take me a full day to get to one or two shops that would have some of the gear I'd be interested in; and another full day to go off in another direction, to a different city that might have something different to demo.  No way to compare different options in a relatively short time and space so as to be able to really compare one against another in a meaningful way.  This is one of the downsides in living in a lovely but somewhat remote area where most electronics are sold in the Wal Mart store over in the next county.  So, I have to look for really good deals on equipment that I have read about in on-line reviews and forum threads hoping either that it works out well or I can put them back on the market at a reasonable price so someone else can give them a try. So far this has worked out ok for me and I have incrementally improved the quality of my two channel system; but, as I start to get to the next level, so to speak, the synergy between the components becomes more critical and the gamble more expensive.
Larstusor, I would consider the Totem Forest.  Placement is more flexible and is true high end performance!  I could get a pair near me for about $3800...nothing can touch their performance near that price.
Thanks for the recommendation Dave.  In my situation, I try to find a deal on a pair of used speakers in very good to excellent condition so I can turn them around without a big loss if things don't work out. I was watching a nice set of Winds at an asking price of $3500.  Of course I have to consider shipping costs as well.  I'll look around and see if I can find some gently used Forests for sale.  What is the difference between the Forest and the Forest Signature?  How would the Forest compare to the Dynaudio Contour 3.0 or Revel Performa F-35  (two well respected units that I have found at a very reasonable price).
The Dynaudio’s are great speakers and there are certainly many fine choices available these days, but I have owned $30k speakers and many high end brands that just don’t have the same addictive quality of Totem!  Something about them just sounds so right and “alive” like real musicians playing.  The crossovers are large scale and hand wired with customized drivers and unique cabinetry which is amazing, yet at the end of the day all I know is that they compell me to listen to all of my music for as long as possible!!