I need your help. I have an ARC Ref 3, ARC 110, Vandersteen 5As, but no turntable.

I am looking for suggestions for phono amp, turntable, arm and cartridge to match my existing system. The ARC110 does not have a phono, so I am stuck as to what will pair best. Thanks for your thoughts. JMW

target budget ???
the guy who built your speakers has a Lyra Atlas, Triplaner, Bardo on HRS platform....

phono preamp tubes he built himself...

hard to really help you without target $$$$$

Dear @jaym759: The analog alternative is the more imperfect way to listen MUSIC and due to those inherent medium imperfections is way hard task to achieve good quality performance.

The issue is not to have a some one that help in the overall analog rig set up but that each audiophile must be learn by his self and in that learning time we have more falls down experiences than success. That's means not only time consuming but means spend higher money too.

It is way easy for a newcomer to make several mistakes especially in the begining like you because you really don't have any knowledge level on the whole subject that can help you to evaluate in the rigth way all the advises/recomendations/opinions coming from other analog audiophiles/audio distributors/reviewers/manufacturers and the like.

Today the digital alternative puts any one nearer and truer to the recording and from live MUSIC. I'm a MUSIC lover with over 7K LPs but I accept the digital superiority at today technology levels and enjoy it too.

If you want to go  ahed is up to you. The TT/tonearm advise @fsonicsmith gave you is really good. Read here about:


G. Merril is a very well regarded designer and Jelco is a manufacturer that between other makes tonearms for Ortofon, Audioquest, Koetsu ( vintge. ) Sumiko. Jelco is not a TT manufacturer  rookie " as many gentlemans here could think.

In the other side the worst place to use tube technology is precisely in a phono stage nd it cn be proved easily. Forgeret biased tube lovers or biased tube mnufacturers. If you goes for tube units this will be your first huge mistake. For years I used it, not any more and for very good reasons.

Btw, how many LPs already own?  which are your MUSIC/audio priorities through your system.?  what are you looking to achieve?


You have a REF 3 pre-amp and a 110 amp.  All from Audio Research.  I would investigate a used Ph6, Ph8, REF 2SE or 2 phono stage.  They would match very well with your existing gear and sound great.  The turntable, arm and cartridge on the other hand.  Well, that's a different story.  Hard choices and totally dependent on what your budget is.  But remember, there are a lot of very nice used turntable/arm combinations out there. 


Don't deny yourself the beautiful sonics available from great LPs on a well set up rig.  You mentioned earlier that you would have a local expert set up the table.  Absolutely!!  Much more important than the analog gear you buy is the expert set up of that rig.  It's all about the correct geometry between the LP and the cartridge!  Best.
Ralph always says direct drive Technics, that's his preference, which is fine. But there are other turntables, you must audition. Simon Yorke, SME and Nottingham are worth listening to. Or maybe you can get Walker, we don't know. Generally speaking, spend at least twice as much on phono stage than on cartridge.