Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?

I realise that the music industry seems to care less and less about timbre, see

But for me, without timbre music reproduction can be compared to food which lacks flavour or a modern movie with washed out colours. Occasionally interesting, but rarely engaging.

So my question is, what are your loudspeaker candidates if you are looking for a 'Technicolor' sound?

I know many use tube amps solely for this aim, but perhaps they are a subject deserving an entirely separate discussion.

@prof, my comments about “too much or too little” reverberant energy arise from some experiments in varying the amount of reverberant energy while leaving the first-arrival sound untouched.

Briefly we used a fairly directional main array aimed at the listening area for the first-arrival sound, and then used a dedicated reverberant-field-only array (optimized for good power response) aimed off in a different direction, so that it made no contribution to the first-arrival sound. By varying the level of the reverberant-field-only array we could independently manipulate the amount of energy in the reverberant field. We found that the additional reverberant energy generally improved timbre, but too much and clarity started to degrade. Hence my comments.

@cd318 wrote: “Perhaps @audiokinesis has developed some form of refined DSP (unlike those crude ones found on many surround sound systems) which can subtly change the sound of your room. Perhaps it is possible to increase ’sympathetic’ room reflections which could give a sense of increased realism. Sounds phenomenally difficult but it’s certainly interesting.”

No DSP, but your “sympathetic room reflections” guess is right on the money!

We borrowed a page from concert hall psychoacoustics: The difference between a good seat and a poor seat in a concert hall arises from the amount of time between the first-arrival sound and the onset of reflections. In a good seat, there is a time gap between the two. In a poor seat there is no such time gap; the reflections start arriving too early, and the effect is, clarity is degraded.

These principles can be transported into the listening room, despite the difference in scale. Done “right” (see my reply to prof at the top of this post), we think we can improve timbre with no detriment to clarity. We also think we can reduce “small room signature” such that you actually hear less of your room and more of the acoustic space on the recording.

Admittedly it is highly counter-intuitive to think that ADDING reflections can REDUCE your room’s signature, so let me explain the theory behind this:

The basic premise is, if your system was in a big room, you would hear more of what’s on the recording because your room’s acoustic signature would be less intrusive.

The ear/brain system judges room size by the “center of gravity” of the reverberant energy. The later in time that “center of gravity” occurs, the larger the apparent room size. By injecting additional late-onset reverberant energy, we can push that center of gravity to later in time and thereby increase the apparent room size. By making sure this additional reverberant energy is spectrally correct and by not injecting too much, we preserve clarity.

I’ve been working with improving timbre by paying attention to the reverberant field for many years. The increase in apparent room size (thereby reducing small room signature) is an unanticipated but welcome side effect.


Since I’ve installed 32 Synergistic Research HFTs, my slap echo and other room acoustic anomalies have abated. Each HFT appears to broaden the reflection soundwaves, probably increasing the reflection times. They certainly don’t shorten the soundwave reflection times.

In the typical concert hall, seats closest to the rear wall don’t usually sound good because of the hard rear wall surfaces with quick reflection times and in the front rows there is little reflection, nearly all direct sound.

As a music reviewer for the UCLA Daily Bruin back 45 years ago in Royce Hall, I swapped my front row ticket for rows 10 through 20 to get the best sound for a combination of direct and long reflective sound. So many people wanted the front row seats there despite the inferior sound. It was probably a visual preference for them.

@fleschler wrote:

"I swapped my front row ticket for rows 10 through 20 to get the best sound for a combination of direct and long reflective sound."

Duke replies:

[capslock][bold][italics][giant font]YESSSSS!!![/capslock][/bold][/italics][/giant font]

Obviously we can’t get those long reflections paths in our living rooms, but the same psychoacoustic principles are applicable... and imo in many cases offer us a window of opportunity to make a worthwhile improvement.

I was so lucky to have heard Ashkenasy, Arrau,  Bachauer,    Ciccolini, Kubelik/Bavarian Orch and so many other great classical musicians in ideal conditions from where I sat.  Royce Hall was renovated maybe 15 or 20 years ago and the balcony has good sound now and more consistent sound except in the front 3 rows.  
This is interesting stuff. I will grant that absent near field listening, timbre and reverberant energy are to a degree intertwined. The topic needs to be assessed with the idea of "average listening rooms". Most but not all speaker designers design their speakers for real world conditions in average listening rooms. To do otherwise is commercial hari-kari. With this in mind, and with the concept of all real-world speakers being comprised of strengths and weaknesses, design goals and compromises, the topic of truth of timbre divorced from all this conversation about room design is a valid one. That said, I am skeptical that any DSP, present or future, can make a badly designed-for truth of timbre-speaker sound like a timbre champ. I am very biased. I bought my Devore 0/93's when I heard them at Don Better's home based listening room with my vinyl copy of Gillian Welch's The Harrow and the Harvest playing on Don's SPU-equipped deck and could hear the strings of David Rawlngs guitar hit my brain with the texture of his Martin Darco 80/20 bronze light strings sounding just as haunting and full of soul and ghosts as he could possibly wish to convey. I know that my Devore 0/93's have their strengths and weaknesses. There's a slight discontinuity in the midrange that bothers me at times. But for truth of timbre over most of the frequency range, in an average listening room like mine, it is a champ.