Lab 12 DAC1 Special Edition

Terry London’s review of this DAC is online now at

From Greece..."using the famous NOS Phillips TDA 1543 DAC chips ... it also uses a NOS 6922 vacuum tube in its analog conversion circuit."

Lab 12 page:
I printed that review and read it last night while I was listening after you mentioned it in this post. I'm in the market for a DAC upgrade right now, and non-oversampling DACs are the only type I'm considering because they sound best to me. This one is really interesting for sure. Thanks for the heads-up. 
David - Many thanks for posting the links!

Any Audiogon forum readers that have further questions or if located in the Chicago area would like to hear the Lab12 DAC1SE feel free to contact Audio Archon (Authorized Dealer) for more information.

Audio Archon - Authorized Dealer
I'm betting that the answer is no, because they are handmade, and coming from Greece.