All Quiet on the Oppo front?

Many Oppo fans were talking about getting their pre-ordered UDP-205's a month ago, but no new posts as to current status. I haven't heard a word. I kinda thought there would be a July release, but apparently not.

Anybody receive any news from Oppo in the past month? 
@mcgal thanks for your follow-up. That’s the same email I got back then. 
Yes, interesting. Oppo is using the inititial interest E-mail as the point of establishing the order of a buy offer, not the "verification of E-mail" for a future offer.

I verified my E-mail address on May 9, which seems to have been a date used for mass requests sent by them. 

With Aprox. 5,000 buyers requesting one, I would think Oppo would reconsider manufacturing these things or sell the rights to Cambridge Audio or someone interested in doing so. That's a large market for any high-end manufacturer for any product!
I agree Bultaco. (Motorcycle reference?).  It’s hard to believe they wouldn’t have made a run/runs to fill all orders. I’m sure many, myself included, would pay in advance.. I registered and confirmed months ago and thought this was a sure thing. However I haven’t heard anything lately and have read posts indicating production is over. ?? 
I do not have email to hand to paste their reply but I did ask today if they would consider more production with a 5000 order database.

Their answer was basically a very polite but firm no.
I can’t speak for others but my process was like this...

1. Click the interest link
2. Receipt of email @ 5 minutes later to confirm email address
3. Receipt of email containing link to purchase

PS: Same process for the UDP-203 purchased. I also own a BDP-83 and a BDP-93.