Just wanted to introduce myself.

Hello everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ryan. I'm a young reel to reel and vinyl fanatic. I have several TEAC reel to reels, my favorite is my A-3340S. My username is my nickname, as I have a lisp on "S," which resembles a snake's hissing. Anyway, just wanted to say hey.
Ryan (Or Kaa, or Snake, whatever you want to call me. :) )
Wow! nice @bdp24 ! I know Mr. Al Jardine well, he's the "cranky" guy of the group, and the only original member of the Beach Boys in Brian's band, except for Brian himself. I know Mr. Blondie Chapman, but I don't know the rest of the band except for Mr. Wilson, Mr. Jardine, and Mr. Chapman. 
I wouldn't George Martin if he was still alive today would want to work in my studio @lowrider57 . I don't think he would do it for $20,000,00! Abbey Road Studios was his go to place for recording, and they had much better equipment than me.
Thanks for introducing yourself. Though I never had a quality RTR, my good friend Nate had a Pioneer RT 707 or something like that. We recorded vinyl to it and it sounded really good. That machine cost around $500 in 1980 or so and we were so blessed with good sound for high school students.
I’m a bit surprised that the newer United Home Audio RTRs haven’t been mentioned. I’ve heard them on MBL systems many times and the SQ is just amazing. 
At the LAAS show 2017, I had the great opportunity to hear a big Studder play Frampton’s “Lines on my face”. It was glorious with DartZeel electronics; I forget the speakers but it was one of the few real delights at that show.
I do realize most of this conversation has been about vintage gear, just thought I’d mention both old and new. 
Ryan, Welcome to the ‘Gon!