Focal Sopra No 2 vs Magico A3

I wish I could listen to the Focal Sopra No 2s and the Magico A3's in the same room on the same day with the same equipment.

In the fantasy world I like to live in Focal lowers the price on their Sopra No. 2's to better compete with the Magico A3's. Wow. Wouldn't that be great! Not sure what I would do then. Probably buy the Sopra No. 2's.

I purchase speakers on what they sound like NOT what they look like. Who would buy speakers based on how good they look?

Been done already:

I like Focal industrial design, but it come with a heavy penalty of gross coloration from the lousy MDF cabinet. They should let Magico build their cabinets ;)
Coloration from cabinet is not always a bad thing. Someone may just as well prefer the colorated sound of the Sopras. Take percussions for example, that mdf coloration can give spooky real snare drum sound reproduction.

Spendor classic and Harbeth uses the thin wall cabinet resonance that gives that famous magic midrange to their speakers. Voices, brass and winds sound absolutely wanderful.
I don't see how people can enjoy speakers that they know perfectly well are "coloring" the sound, which by definition means they are not hearing what is on the recording.  Seems like it would be too much cognitive dissonance. 
Coloration is always a bad thing, unless you are building guitars.
There is no "magic" in MDF flexing.

So all speakers should be made with aluminium casing....

Exact science speaker 101: Aluminium body only. What a dull and bland world hi-fi would be if all speaker were made like so.

I want options, différences, coloration, fun , pros and cons.