KEF blades 2 or Dynaudio C4?

Hi guys, I am trying very soon the Luxman monos M900. I am wondering based on your experience and knowledge which speakers of these two would be a better match for them?
My room 18x12. High ceilings.
I prefer low volume music effortless neutral sound. I had owned KEF 3 and I liked them a lot.
But today I asked three dealers and I got mixed opinions. 
I do appreciate your time giving me your opinion. Kind regards.
Thank you.

Maybe, but I’m old and I resent the ad hominem. I say physician, heal thyself. 
Post removed 
D2girls you must be kidding. Mr. Feil is attacking us so it calls into attention his motives and thus it also requires us to stipulate how and why we are different, this may come across to you as bragging but the reality is we display a lot of gear and if you had looked at the pictures we posted then it would be clear to you we can walk the walk and talk the talk because we have actual experience.

Mr. Feil is a failed no nothing dealer with a nearly unknown store that he ran in upstate NY.  His product lines and his inability to show even a picture of his store,  calls into attention that his experience was severely limited to a handful of lines with most not being the market leaders in their respective fields. 

Perhaps he is jealous we have no idea. The point was to demonstrate that we have a real store with a large selection of products and our knowledge comes from experience with these products particularly KEF.

I don't know about you but if you look at our posts we have never called out another displaying dealer the way Mr Feil has and keeps on attacking us. 

What we have said is some dealers setup system better then others and not all demos of products are going to produce glorious results when the room and matching equipment is not up to snuff especially with very high performance speakers with great resolution. 

D2girls you have never set foot in our shop, nor have you ever talked with us, so in reality you know very little about what we do and how we work. 

The reality is a client is flying me out to CA to tune up his  system, and another gentleman is going to be visited time allowing for me to work on his system as well. 

Good luck D2girls. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ