D2girls are you and Bil Feil the same lame person? We have given reasons for all of the above points.
The only way you truly know anything is good is by comparing it to the know references, do you think the Ford F40 is not compared to the Ferrari and Lambos? The best products in the industry got there by raising the stakes in terms of engineering, product design and of course sound quality.
D2girls you love your Harbeths did you compare them to any other loudspeakers before you decided that the Harbeths were the best choice for you? Did you compare them with known reference products?
Every new product will always be compared to the reference leaders and only by matching them or beating them will you validate your product.
Here is my resume in the audio industry:
I was the top salesman at Sound by Singer in NYC for close to 12 years, and 3 years with Innovative Audio.
15 years at Audio Doctor.
Trained in loudspeaker setup by Dave Wilson, was taught the Sumiko method of loudspeaker setup by John Hunter. Top Wilson Audio salesman, top Transparent Audio salesman, Top Vac salesman.
Studied acoustics with Toni Grimmni, Home Theater Design with Russ Herschelman, Haptics with Keith Yates.
Designed a $500k four room professional audio setup for Tommy Boy Records, 1992, setup Quintessential Sounds mixing/listening suite 1993
Designed and fabricated Home Theater for Rev Run as seen on Rev Runs Renovation 2014, Season 2 Epsiode 9 Secret Cinema,
Did several major NY Audio Shows. 2008, 2012,2013, 2016, 2017
Numerous New York City Showhouses for major NYC Interior Designers.
You know about our store and brands and products and experience, we are all over the internet.
The point Mr. Feil we know your shop is closed, our posts come from knowledge and experience, where does your knowledge and experience come from?
We asked you to provide pictures of your closed establishment, or don’t you have any?
Your negativity speaks of pettiness and jealousy.
Your move Feil please regale us with evidence of your years of professional audio experience. I am willing to bet you will give some lame excuse why there is nearly zero evidence your business ever existed.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ