Stillpoints - snake oil?

Anybody here using Stillpoints Ultras? My dealer thinks highly of them, but I am very suspicious.
Still makes no sense to me. If a $500 power cord makes an amp sound $500 better it would be to the advantage of the company to include such a cord since they could produce the cord for a fraction of cost, think scale, why Dell can buy cpu's a lot cheaper than I can, market the amp with the cords sonic advantage only spending a small amount on production. I gues stereo manufacturers need better R&D and marketing people.
Roger Modjeski doesn't provide ANY power cord with his Music Reference RM-200 power amp, saying he figures everyone has an unused computer cord in a drawer, or will be using an aftermarket cord anyway.
djones that is just a silly argument.  Take for example an automobile Ford could make tires for their cars themselves it isn't practical, Pirelli has invested millions of dollars perfecting their designs, molds, tread patterns, carbon black compounds, etc. 

You are assuming that a power cord is a simple piece of wire, sometimes there is a lot more going on with weaving, custom materials, custom dielectrics and so on. 

Cable companies specialize in creating vey advanced designs that are sold because they a product sound better even if sold wholesale that additional cost will have to be factored into the products selling price which now will be more expensive. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
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